Child indoctrination explained by transactional analysis

by paranoia agent 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • paranoia agent
    paranoia agent

    The purpose of psychology is to explain and help others to change, if suffering from depression or anxiety or we just want to understand the other or improve ourselves there are different types of psychological therapies to help us. We are aware that psychologists have the know-how, just has mechanics know cars and astronauts know space shuttles and psychics, but we know they know a lot but we know very little possibly because it’s too complicated, it doesn't make rational sense, we don't have enought time or just like my diploma in accounting if its not put to good use it will turn into a vague memory.

    Look at my previous thread in cognitive dissonance, it sounds alien to many, it sure sounds to those that I explained it to, that is because its not something we normally hear about so explaining it to others these words and their context also requires a connotation from the listener for cognitive dissonance to make any sense.

    My very first assignment was on cognitive dissonance in a paper titled media illiteracy or cognitive dissonance which discussed statistical discrepancies between what people said regarding their preferred news media output -TV or newspapers- and the actual sales/view/quality figures of those two media outlets, in the USA during the 70's and 80's. It turns out that people lied about tv news medium being higher quality than newspapers because the quality is lower than newspapers (local news recorded in many states), the truth is that nobody wants to admit (during the questionnaires for this empirical data) that watching news on tv is easier and lazier than reading. The discrepancy lies on behaviour, we don't want to be seen as lazy so during this state of mental anxiety we tell ourselves that television news is better than the news quality on paper.

    Now there is a form of therapy which is easier to understand known as transactional analysis which covers many aspects of us and others.

    The purpose of this thread is not to explain everything but just child indoctrination and how it should be understood. We all may know that what occurs in childhood will be part of their adult life. For example a child born from racist parents has a higher chance of becoming prejudice towards other races, children born in 3rd world countries are more comfortable lying and stealing from others including friends and family, and rapist may had been molested or mistreated when they were younger. Last, and this has more to do what will be discussed, a person born from religious parents mostly likely will be in the same religion in their adult life, geographically religion proves this notion, but all is not lost, this is all in a general sense, there can be different circumstances but in general the way we are nurtured plays a crucial part in our adult life.

    TA teaches that we all have 3 ego states, Parent, Adult, Child.

    Parent is when we are judgmental or concerned about something or others

    In adult it’s all about the here and now, e.g. What is the time? Its twelve thirty.

    Child is us in a state of sorrow, guilt, rejection. But also creativity and the desire to explore

    An example between two people

    Person A - you made a huge mistake and I expect you never do it again or you're fired!

    Person B - I am really sorry, it won't happen again I promise

    Here we have a transition of communication between A and B, A as the Parent and B as the Child

    This is a very simplified explanation but it should give you a clear understanding on how easy it is to apply TA , you will never see social interactions in the same way you did before. There is a lot more to it as we will see.

    Both Parent and Child ego states are developed when we are children and plays a crucial part in understanding ourselves in adulthood.

    Due to a lack of time I will need to leave this for later.

  • Oubliette

    paranoia agent, you have an intriguing thread title. Thanks for posting!

    However, your thesis is very unclear. Could you please be more concise in explaining what it is exactly that you are trying to say about TA and child indoctrination?

    I look forward to hearing more. Thanks in advance!


  • cliff

    Much danger of misunderstanding due to (necessary) oversimplification here!

    PAC (Parent, Adult, Child) roles in transactional analysis use the words in different senses from normal everyday use.

    The Parent voice is the "Do as I say", You are very bad", etc stance. Rules.

    The Child voice is the "You are always picking on me!", "I hate you!". Feelngs

    The Adult voice is the "We seem to have a problem here, let's talk about it". Thoughts.

    We can all be all three at different times and in different situations, but growth in self knowledge and confidence comes from being able to direct out energies and responses through the Adult part of ourselves.

    This is grossly oversimplified, but search for "Eric Berne's Transactional Analysis" for more.

    The book "I'm OK, You're OK" is a good primer, but I don't know if it is still in print.


  • paranoia agent
    paranoia agent

    Oubliette :Yes I know, I will try to be more concise with my wording. There is still a lot to discuss but it is a simple concept to think and use once it's understood.

    cliff: Completely 110% aggree with you here, but you have to understand that I am not finished explaining TA as I wrote This is a very simplified explanation but it should give you a clear understanding on how easy it is to apply TA ,, so yes I was not going to leave it at that. Also note that I won't be explaining TA in full but child indoctrination which is part of the Parent ego state and maybe I might dwelve into communication to those who do not want to listen

    The books I have are TA today, Games people play and I'm OK, You're OK. TA today is my favourite but I recommend Games people play to others becuse as you wrote its a good primer.

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    So will you be explaining how the WBTS uses Witness parents to indoctrinate their children to become Witnesses?

  • paranoia agent
    paranoia agent

    Part 2

    I am a bit disappointed in the manner that I worded part 1 so let me sum it down.

    Psychoanalysis explanation of conscience (Id), subconscious (Ego) and unconscious (Super Ego) are all concepts to understand our mind, however TA ego states are psychological realities.

    As I tried to explain cognitive dissonance to many this and many other psychological theories although proven to be true can be difficult to clearly explain it to others. TA is easier to understand because it is logical to many who don’t a background in psychology.

    TA teaches that we have 3 ego states, Child, Parent, Adult, we can change from Parent to another ego state in real time.

    Both Parent and Child ego states are developed when we are young and changed after 5 to 7 years of age by our Adult ego

    The purpose of this thread will not be to discuss TA in full but child indoctrination and possibly communicating to those in the cult.

    In the meantime watch this video, part 2 and 3 of this video series is not relevant to what will be discussed in this thread.

  • paranoia agent
    paranoia agent

    Frazzled UBM: I will show how parents and their Parent ego state which includes their beliefs (religions, culture and other views) and behaviours affects the child's ego states.

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    Will you deal with inculcation of phobias into children that they carry intt adult life, consciously and sub-consciously, and are manipulated by the WBTS to keep the grown up child a captive of the organization? That to me is the most cogent psychological explanation of WBTS child indoctrination.

  • paranoia agent
    paranoia agent

    Frazzled UBM :If you are not aware of all psycholgical explanations then you can not say the your most cogent psychological explanation is cogent.

  • paranoia agent
    paranoia agent

    Part 3

    The Parent ego state is developed during childhood, usually from 0 to 5~7 years of age. During these years the child is heavily influence by its parents in a time that very little meaning could be constructed, so the child takes information from the parents without editing.

    Why is the sky blue, why do people get angry, why why why? Asks the child in which the parent responds with many no's and don’ts with a horrified or angry face, the feeling of guilt follows. Also, what is god's name and the child replies Jehovah, you cannot trust anyone other than Jehovah’s witnesses says the parent, etc. The point is that what the child absorbs regardless if it is negative or positive all this info is as true to the child and it's a powerful influence when the child becomes an adult, for better or for worse.

    For example, the mothers love, the father’s kindness, and the sense of being protected, thus in adult the Parent ego state can be protective and helpful. But also with all the no's like DONT TOUCH THAT STOVE, the child will not touch it for not wanting to be spanked but as a parent it is so the child does not end up with 3rd degree burns because children cannot perceive getting their hands burned until after it happens. Being brought up as a JW going to the kingdom hall and witnessing, socialising, and listening/visualising my parents greatly influenced me, my way of deducing information when I got older, until we decided to change (by our Adult ego state) our Parent ego state acquired from youth it does not change.

    Now that you have an idea how the Parent ego state is developed, and after you have watched the video you should start to see a pattern.

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