Audio of Candace Conti and Bill Bowen at the RNA 2013 conference

by cedars 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • cedars

    The audio file is 1 hour 28 minutes in total. The first hour is the panel speaking, and the remaining 28 minutes is the questions from journalists.

    Here is the link...

    Candace Conti in particular did an amazing job, and the comments from the journalists show how appreciative they were of her bravery in speaking out on such a personal issue.

    Bill was also informative with some of the firsthand accounts he was able to give.


  • L3G

    Thx for the share. For those who don't know, RNA stands for Religion Newswriters Association. I listened for 15 min. and didn't hear a word about the Condi case. Could this please be edited before being posted? Some of us do not have an hour + to spare just to get to what we want to hear...

  • Ruby456

    listening to this now - Candace speakes at 28 minutes for 10 minutes and Bill Bowen speaks soon after. Audience question time is also very good. A member of the law firm Zalkin was present and makes a point. Candace and Bill answer lots of questions during this part. I found the discussion around the the law and the 1st amendment very educational.

    Please listen to as much as you can. Candace and Bill were both brilliant.

  • Gayle

    wow,,thx Cedars,,Candace and Bill did great! Hopefully, this inspires more of these writers for this issue.

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    Wow! This was excellent, I enjoyed the whole piece. Candice and Bill did an excellent job and the others were very interesting too.

  • Ruby456

    cedars I have a question about the RNA. Do they promote religion or are they a group journalists who cover relgious events and newsworthy religious headliners for secular newspapers?

  • cedars

    Hi Ruby456 - the RNA is an association of journalists and writers, including freelancers, who write about religion. They do not promote religion per se, they just cover it.

    Here is their website...


  • smiddy


  • Phizzy

    Thanks for posting this Cedars, it was an education in many ways.

    I was intrigued to hear that an attempt is being made to Subpoena a Governing Body member to get him to explain to a Court why nothing has been done to put protection in place, and presumably to explain the mistakes of the past.

    I have doubts, or rather fears, that it will not happen, but what a tremendous thing if it did !

  • truthseekeriam

    I have so much respect for what Candace has done and continues to do for the children of Jehovah's witnesses. I know it's because of her strength many more victims and survivors are coming forward to take a stand....either through speaking up or lawsuits. There is power in numbers!

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