Why do you think they changed their mind on organ transplants?

by Separation of Powers 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • NeverKnew

    I'm not going with the GB needing a transplant, nor the "hey, this seems to be working" line..

    My vote is: someone who had a ton of money and was donating to the WT needed a transplant.

  • LisaRose

    When the ban originally was put into place, organ transplants were new and somewhat experimental. Many conservative thinkers were leery of them, so their stand was not that remarkable. At the time a lot of people feared them, I remember even in the seventies some people feared a heart transplant recipient would take on the characteristics of the donor. In the years since, transplants have gotten better, with a much higher likelihood of survival. They were looking more and more foolish for forbidding them, especially with not one scripture that could be realistically used as a basis to forbid it.

    The same could be said of blood transfusions, but they have painted themselves in a corner with that one, with the blood cards, and bragging about those who died due to it, so they will have a harder time getting away with changing their policy on that one.

  • notsurewheretogo

    Perhaps due to the fact there is sod all in the bible about organ transplants????? And the cannibalism/personality transplant is utter false...it took 13 years and perhaps a lot of lives for the HS to correct that teaching...that point confuses a lot of dubs...

  • Phizzy

    At one time they were against vaccinations, until Knorr and Co were told they had to have them for International travel, and guess what ? a sudden shaft of new light !

    Those murderous swine, the GB, who callously make up such doctrines and cause needless deaths need a sudden shaft themselves, of something hot and pointed.

  • sir82
    They're not stupid, just heartless.

    Oh I don't know....The difference is closer than you might think.....

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “They thoroughly understand the mistake they have made with blood and realized they were doing it again. They're not stupid, just heartless.”

    TD could not have said it more accurately.

    The Watchtower organization had a growing epidemic of death on its hands. Public relations was about to become uncontrollable.

    JW patients were dying by the thousands over the blood issue. More JW patients were dying over the organ transplant issue. Worse, lots of children were dying, and mothers the result of childbirth complications.

    The number of deaths was always staggering. But because these deaths were scattered rather evenly throughout the world the statistic was not realized for what it represented. In effect, the numbers were hidden from plain view. But the numbers were growing and growing fast.

    So what did Watchtower do?

    Under the guise of “minor components” and, later on, “fractions” the Watchtower organization began allowing more and more blood products to be accepted by JWs. The effect was to reduce the number and rate of deaths, or at the very least to shift blame for deaths from Watchtower to the individual JW who Watchtower had granted more latitude for personal decision.

    Watchtower got rid of its organ transplant taboo at the same time. Again, to reduce the number and rate of deaths due to its teaching and doctrinal position.

    All this was done to reduce exposure and make it more palatable for Watchtower representatives to inform the medical and legal community of its doctrinal position, and to reduce risk of backlash due to the public waking up to the numbers of JWs needlessly suffering premature death. When organ transplantation crept from experimental to clinical practice it became indefensible to claim transplantation was “eating” an organ. So Watchtower got rid of this absurd idea in relation to solid organ transplants.

    I’ve written a little about this subject at my blog. (See Watchtower on Taking In Meatavailable at: http://marvinshilmer.blogspot.com/2012/12/watchtower-on-taking-in-meat.html

    My menu of future articles includes sharing more documented research on why Watchtower dismantled its pre-1980 teaching against organ transplantation.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • caliber

    JW patients were dying by the thousands over the blood issue. More JW patients were dying over the organ transplant issue. Worse, lots of children were dying, and mothers the result of childbirth complications.

    Under the guise of “minor components” and, later on, “fractions” the Watchtower organization began allowing more and more blood products to be accepted by JWs

    Agreed ...it is all about damage control ... to ease out of the situation with no fanfare and actually slowly shift the blame back onto

    the individual over time and years without too many even realizing it ! So the conclusion could be reach in JW's own minds

    "How could you be so stupid about blood, you had choices all along .......have you never heard about fractions ? "

    Information can have two purposes to complicate and confuse or to simplify and enlighten

    Discussion of 1975 as being the end of this system overshadowed everything in WT 's and at conventions...after that date it was your own false reasoning that lead to this conclusion

    Abstain from blood is a simply statement when applied only to not eating blood...but to apply this word to tranfusions , then to break this down into components complicates things

    Blood fractionation is the process of fractionating whole blood, or separating it into its component parts. This is typically done by centrifuging the blood.

  • caliber

    You don't know anything until you understand fractions

    Fractions became 'new light' blood is sacred, but also life is sacred.

  • Rattigan350

    Because there was never a change. What was written in 1967 was Fred Franz' personal pet project, not official doctrine (though some believe it to have been. That got published because everyone rubber stamped what Fred wrote. But notice that it never got taught again because after that in 1970, the governing body was formulated and expanded, so it was more that Fred Franz.

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