by tec 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry


    Thanks for writing this book. It testifies to details other writers have overlooked. Keep up the good work!

    Marvin Shilmer

    Your blog was a rich source of ideas, Marvin. I thank you!

  • Terry

    Hey, Coco...

    I thank you for your kind words. There is no better writer on the board than thee, kind sir!

  • Ruby456

    great title

  • valkyrie

    A pilgrimage to Terry's book-signing event? [With much advance notice, for long-distance travellers.]

    Why should you be f ê ted only by crickets, when you already have so many cyberfans?

    Congratulations, Terry!

  • bsmart


    What city would the booksigning be in (if we can talk you into doing it)?

  • Terry


    What city would the booksigning be in (if we can talk you into doing it)?

    It would be in Dallas..IF I did it.

    I don't have a time limit on this, so, I'll contact the District Manager and tell him it will be several months before I can schedule an event.

    I'll see how it goes in the meantime.

    On the positive side of things, I'm delighted to get excellent feedback from readers. I say, "Hooray!"

  • brinjen

    Terry, I recently went to a book signing of an author who isn't exactly well known. He was on a national tour, visiting the regional cities around the country.

    Who goes to a signing of an unknown author? A lot of people it turns out. Just because you're not well known, doesn't mean no one would be interested. Maybe if you spoke a little on your experiences, what prompted you to write this book... including the hiccups. Budding writers show up to these events too... as well as those who like to deliberately avoid the mainstream.

    Just a few thoughts.

  • WishingLiz

    Congratulations Terry!!

    Terry said: I told him I'd think about it and get back to him.

    You'd be surprised how many people want to know about the inner workings of the JW's.

    Look at the popularity of the Breaking Amish and Sister Wives on TV. And every time someone exposes Scientology, people are interested.

  • Terry

    Well, you are quite right.

    There is a deep curiousity. People guess. They don't really know what being a Jehovah's Witness means to the person.

    I wanted to take a before and after approach.

    How does it happen...step by step..and where does it ultimately lead?

    Why can't people escape? Why isn't it just a matter of, "Well, this isn't working out for me--goodbye everybody, stay in touch"?

    I think I capture that process and the emotions and--especially--the inner conflicting thoughts and calculus.

    My book was a lot funnier at first, but, little by little I removed most of that because it trivializes the actual severity of wrong life choices.

    Anyway, I'm going to take it one step at a time and articulate feelings, calculations and the emptiness it all brings when all is said and done.

  • Fernando

    I imagine as one clocks up book signings and speaking engagements one becomes well known and a tipping point is reached where book sales start driving themselves.

    It was quite a while ago, but if I remember the numbers and details correctly, Morgan Scott Peck's "The Road Less Travelled" only sold 5,000 copies, until he hit the speaking circuit, which increased sales to 30 million.

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