My introduction

by zakharijah 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • 70wksfyrs

    Well done for your achievments so far. You have more to come!!!

  • Lozhasleft

    Hello and welcome. Well done on turning your life around and breaking free of the cult.

    Loz x

  • Bangalore

    Welcome to JWN.


  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Hello and thank you for posting your story! Your family looks so good.

    This forum has helped me enormously. With simple logic and reasoning on the history of the WT, I came to realize that there is NO WAY they could possibly by speaking for the Creator of the universe.

    Before the internet I had no access to information such as how the WT was burying hazardous waste from their printing operations, and members of the governing body saluting the flag in order to obtain passports for their travels, meanwhile disfellowshipping any congregation member who saluted the flag.

    I learned of many decisions made with no thought for the harm resulting to individuals, such as not allowing substitute civil service so that men didn't have to go to jail; the unnecessary martyrdom of the Malawi JW who couldn't buy a card, but at the same time the Mexican brothers were allowed to bribe officials so they could keep from being in the military. Learning how elderly people who had spent their entire lives working at Bethel were framed and kicked out after KGB-style interrogations.

    I've learned here what life at Bethel is really all about from people who revealed first hand the type of treatment they encountered, and the energy expended to keep these details covered up. It's just a huge nest of hypocrisy, and far from protecting Jehovah's name they completely destroy it.

    What the WT is: A corporation run for huge profits, within a cult. Their claims of a connection with God have been proven to be self-serving lies. That's it!

  • Vanderhoven7

    Thank you for sharing your story and your video. Great scriptures referenced as well.

  • laverite


  • zakharijah

    Thanks again all!

    By the way, for those of you who can read French, I wrote a short story. It's about a young JW who starts having doubts after being "counselled" by his Elders and meeting a girl in the ministry.

    You can download/read it here:

    I'm no writer, but that was great to be able to put on paper the things that went through my head when I was a JW and started doubting.

  • flipper

    ZAK- Well my friend, you've certainly been through a lot of changes. Welcome to freedom of mind and people who understand and have walked in similar shoes as you. I'm sorry your childhood was so tumultous . I'm happy for you that you have your wife and own little children to raise up now. Give them all the love they deserve my friend. They need it and so do you. Take care. Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • clarity

    Wow Zak ...nice to have you here!


    Quite a story ... often parents learn too late how thier actions & words

    affect children! Put a religious cult into the mix ...& you have madness!


    Lovely family you created together with your wife (hello Mrs Zak!).


    I hope Mrs Zak doesn't waste her life like I did!


    After 50 years of serve us, I left the watchtower printing & Real Estate Co.


    I immediately became 'Born Again' ......... for about 3 weeks!



    Now ... I am just me. Not responsible to change anyone's religion or

    save them. No need to judge, shun or gossip! haha... loveing it!!!!!


    Lets hear more from you plse.


  • crmsicl

    Welcome. thanks not only for your well expressed intro but also the photo of your family and the recording along with picture. That doesn't happen very often.

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