Update on my fade

by wizzstick 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • brainmelt

    I'm so pleased for you and your wife and family and wish you all the very best. Continue to tread carefully with your wife, let her slowly come to her own conclusions. I agree with the poster who said to show her JWFacts, everything is so logical on there and it will help her greatly. Have plenty of fun things planned for the weekends - let her sleep in sometimes, go for brunch, daytrips. Weekends are just amazing when you don't have to get up early and drag the kids to field service and meetings. You will all feel better just being able to relax instead of wasting the entire weekend on JW stuff.

  • Sapphy

    what a lovely update Wizzstick! Best wishes for Mrs wizz's health too.

  • jgnat

    I'd say if the elders come calling, thank them for their concern but it is obvious your young children are simply too active for the Kingdom Hall. You'll consider rejoining once they are of age.

  • Theredeemer

    Awesome news wiz!! My wife and I have completed almost one year of fading!! At first there was much turmoil in the family due to all this but, thankfully, it has quieted down significantly. We made an agreement that if they dont want to hear what I have to say about the Religion then dont ask and dont tell me anything about "you need to go back". They have stuck to it and so have I. Although I would love for them to run away from this cult, it is not my place nor responsibility. I found out the ttatt all by myself. I faced my doubts head on and I had no choice but to exit. My wife also decided on her own through her own revelations. I highly recommend obstaining from going on attack mode with your family. Also, with your wife. Let her go on her path to discovery on her own. Support her and give her some "guidance" but dont "lead" her. My wife was depressed for about two weeks. I would get frustrated sometimes because she wasnt "getting" things as quickly as I wanted. I guess I was afraid she would backslide into the religion. It takes a long time for some and others accept ttatt very quickly. Some go very fast at first but suddenly they may halt and begin to feel the dissonance kick in. Whatever happens between y'all ( its pretty obvious what state im from) remember that you both control your lives now. Its a freedom that, although scary at times, no one should give to any one else.

  • Emery

    Congratulations!! I love reading stuff like this :)

  • BU2B

    This is great news! Congratulations on the beginning of your new life with family intact!

  • ruderedhead

    That's wonderful! Keep researching the org & their doctrines together, and That should help you both should you start to doubt your decision. And keep the elders away from you both! All the best to you on a smooth fade.

  • Watchtower-Free


    So often the news on the board is painful .

  • 70wksfyrs

    Fabulous news. The fact that the two of you are planning a fade together you can nave some fun with it too!!! Maybe try a bit of intellectual intimidation with Brother Throwthekidsout, that will cheer your wife up!

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