Major goof in the Sept 1 WT article on Babel and the origin of languages

by marmot 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • suavojr

    Ok I don't follow... I have not researched the flood story yet. How can this prove the flood was not global?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley
    but the 3rd millenium would start around 2001 BCE right

    I think I'm correct in saying the third millenium would END in 2001 BCE

    The third millenium BCE includes all of the years from 3000 BCE-2001 BCE. So, the WT's Flood date of 2370 BCE is in the "third millenium".

    9-1-13 WT: "A clay tablet with cuneiform writing, from Mesopotamia, third millennium B.C.E" (it doesn't say "3,000 BCE)

    Marmot: "the writing department included a photo of a cuneiform tablet in their article on the origin of languages with a caption that states it is from 3000 BC"

    Of course, WT's timeline ignores the fact that structures like the pyramids and advanced civilizations existed long before the Flood and Tower of Babel allegedly occured.

    If God had a problem with humans building tall structures and using sophisticated construction techniques systematically with one common language, why didn't he wipe out the builders of the pyramids?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I continuously fell for their spurious scholarship when I was young. In fact, I felt blessed to be exposed to knowledge of ancient religions and civilizations. Ho. Ho. A better public school education would have helped me.

  • Suraj Khan
    Suraj Khan

    The problem is, ancient civilizations (except for perhaps Greece and Rome, fleetingly) are no longer covered in public schools. In the US, you are lucky if you get American history and some scope of appreciation for current events.

    This leaves the WTBTS wide open to put a lot of sweet-smelling historical garbage out there which the rank and file eat right up.

    /history major

  • AnnOMaly

    Ok I don't follow... I have not researched the flood story yet. How can this prove the flood was not global?

    It's not proving or disproving anything about a global flood. The aim of the article is to 'disprove' that languages developed from only one common language, beginning with grunts and growls early in humans' evolution, and that instead "the available physical evidence is in agreement with the facts stated in the Bible" with the Tower of Babel.

    I think I'm correct in saying the third millenium would END in 2001 BCE


  • AndDontCallMeShirley
    I think I'm correct in saying the third millenium would END in 2001 BCE. Pedant

    I'm not being pedantic. There's a difference between saying something happened in "3,000 BCE" and something happened in the "third millenium". In fact, there's up to a 1,000 year difference.

    If I say, "the 21st century ended in 2001" and someone corrects me and says it began in 2001, they are not being pedantic either.

  • FadeToBlack

    There is so much wrong with that article, I don't even know where to begin. But let's throw this out there for a start.

    If everyone before the event was speaking the same language (according to JW history this has to be sometime after 2370BC(E)) and the idea behind this was to thwart mankinds attempts to advance, how could a new group speaking Egyptian build the great pyramids before Abraham got there?

  • AnnOMaly

    I'm not being pedantic. There's a difference between saying something happened in "3,000 BCE" and something happened in the "third millenium". In fact, there's up to a 1,000 year difference.

    I was specifically commenting on your statement, "I think I'm correct in saying the third millenium would END in 2001 BCE" and not the other bit above.

    You were right to point out that technicality. Good humor was intended in my retort. Chill, man.

  • suavojr

    So by studying history you soon become aware of the lies from religious orgs. Time to read up!

  • AndDontCallMeShirley
    Good humor was intended in my retort. Chill, man.

    I'm chilled. No worries.

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