UNDESERVED kindness or DESERVED kindness?

by scotoma 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • scotoma

    I'm tired of hearing people grovel before their "benevolent" creator.

    Recently I was listening to a JW relative express regrets over their rebellious life-style when they were young. Then came that phrase:

    "I'm so greatful for Jehovah's undeserved kindness and that he can accept me with my sinful past."

    Why should God's kindness be considered undeserved?

    If you believe the Bible it seems humans carry the biggest burden in the universe.

    Because Adam and Eve sinned we not only die but suffer a hellish life. We get our bodies eaten up by cancer.

    We get paralyzed by strange genetic time-bombs.

    We have children born with grotesque abnormalities.

    Statistically half the population of the earth have to live an ignored existence because we are a 5 or less on the 1 to 10 beauty scale.

    We are exposed to micro-organisms that eat up our flesh, give us perpetual diahrrea.

    We are bitten or stung by poisonous snakes, spiders, jellyfish, ticks, bedbugs, hornets and bees.

    We are pestered by flies and mosquitoes.

    Our homes are blown away by hurricanes and tornadoes. Washed down stream in floods. Swallowed up in sink holes. Shaken to the ground by earth quakes.

    Women are raped by the millions every day. Children too.

    We are attacked by other humans who in many ways are at their wits end.

    Now what happens to the demons (if you still believe they are part of this scene)? Nothing. They simply die. They live a life

    of playing practical jokes on humans. They get to play the invisible game for thousands of years. No cancer for the arch villains.

    And what about the excruciating death of Jesus. That's all it took to reverse man's problems? Humans can't praise his sacrifice enough.

    How would you like to have had his life. He preached 3 and one half years. How long have you preached?

    He had angels appearing at his birth and they were usually available if he needed them. Plus he had a repertoir of special powers.

    He had an eternity of experience already as the special first born of all creation. He knew that. He knew he was going to be back in charge.

    Dying on a torture stake (cross?) was no picnic. Nor is death from cancer, or tuberculosis, or parkinsons or ALS.

    He died a humiliating death. We live a humiliating pathetic life.

    All of this for Jehovah's name.

    I think humans deserve every bit of kindness that the all powerful one can scrape up.

    Cut out this undeserved kindness myth.

  • Phizzy

    If they think of God as their "heavenly father" he owes them kindness, love, and anything else he can give them. His children "deserve" it.

    Of course, as with most absent fathers, he doesn't do anything for them.

  • notjustyet

    Im just waiting for somone to tell me,...

    "You don't deserve,... Jehovahs,.. Undeserved kindness!!" Me " Uh,,,, could you please say that one more time again as I had a hard time following that the first time"


  • WTWizard

    And why is it undeserved? For most of us, it is because we didn't denounce everything that makes life enjoyable. Sex is bad. Owning material things is bad. Playing is bad. Learning is bad. Yet, the LIE-ble proclaims that joke-hova's "chosen people" took away the land from the Gentiles living there, murdered them for not being worshipers of their joke-hova, and totally trashed their culture for no good reason. Those who were not slaughtered were enslaved. They were made to feel that their Gentile past is sinful. Yet, the "chosen people" are also branded "imperfect" because of Adam's sin.

    Why are we "undeserving" because we happen to gravitate toward that which enhances human existence? Do women inherently deserve to be treated like scum? Do we deserve to have genocide of all Gentile nations because joke-hova wishes it? (Such as supposedly happened when Israel reached its "promised land" and is still going on in Palestine.) Do we deserve to be enslaved or tortured because we choose to believe in common sense instead of something forced upon us? Do we deserve this enforced stupidity? "Undeserved kindness" sounds like joke-hova is willing to let us give up everything that makes human life what it naturally is, so we can live as slaves and stagnate spiritually.

    As for what is really "undeserved" is any respect joke-hova manages to get from us. The ones that still worship that Scumbag, who are offended by that thing being put down (yet they wouldn't wish to be slaughtered or tortured and enslaved, despite that their own LIE-ble glorifies it), those who give that thing the slightest bit of positive energy, that defend Christi-SCAM-ity or Islam in any form, those who cry "anti-Semitism" every time they see mentioned how unjust it was for Israel to invade Gentile lands or that the LIE-ble itself speaks of the Gentiles' time as having ended--it is those who are rendering genuinely undeserved kindness. And you will be rewarded--with a life of stagnation, slavery, and damnation. You think you are fulfilled, when in fact you are merely blinded. You think you are at peace, when you are really being forced to ignore everything human life stands for. You think you know what happens to your soul at death, when you are being lied to. All three of these Abrahamic platforms are giving joke-hova (whatever you call that thing in your platform) undeserved kindness and worship, and will receive damnation. Probably in the form of soul stagnation.

  • Sammy Jenkis
    Sammy Jenkis

    It makes them feel important that the Almighty took a step back from wrath and sprinkled a little undeserved kindness on their lowly servant heads.

    Undeserved kindness:

  • cofty
  • Seraphim23

    As a Christian I don’t like this spin either that one hears a lot in Christianity and other faiths. However I think it would also be a problem if the message was God owes us as individuals, or that we are created exactly the way God wants, even if that is in reality the case due to evolution being how we got here. There is a place for shame in the world. All of us have impulses that are bad and need regulation that would not be regulated if we didn’t have personal shame and guilt and reason to think that second chances were possible. Wearing shame and guilt as a security blanket is unfortunately a problem also. If we believe in God, as I do, and the message was there is nothing wrong with us then what place for personal growth and learning or guilt?

    Frankly this all boils down to the idea that the concepts of good and bad are both needed for freedom of choice to exist along with morality. If this is true and such concepts are real, as opposed to mere human invention, then shame and guilt has a real place also. Of course they can be explained in part by evolutionary principles too, but then the reality is genes trying to be dominant over one another through the illusion of morality, kindness, and so on with the truth being they don’t actually matter at all. After all the process of evolution doesn’t care about anything being it is not a person.

    In my mind the cross is far deeper than the mere legalistic idea that it pays for mankind’s sins through some kind of blood sacrifice as though real guilt and shame could or should be transferred away from someone. Or the idea that man was cursed by the sins of parents is far deeper than first it appears! It’s not literally true, but then nor is the idea of perfect man because that does away with learning by experience. A perfect man cannot learn from experience but one cannot become perfect as it were, without making mistakes to learn from. One could say the bible provides a starting point to wrestle with these questions without resorting to ideas that God doesn’t exist and that existence means nothing or that morality, good and bad, and purpose are unreal concepts created by non-living processes like evolution to help selfish genes. Even humanism doesn’t address these issues other than to effectively ignore them. `We make our own purpose` sounds good but is ultimately rather meaningless because it is meaningless.

    One could say that it is both undeserved and dissevered kindness that are true at the same time, just as good and bad need each other or neither can exist and choice is a mere illusion. Enter in quantum theory here? Perhaps not!

  • Laika

    Everyone wants to be loved and accepted unconditionally for who they are, but they also know life doesn't work this way, so they hide behind masks. I mean, if I was honest about every thought I had I don't think I'd have any friends left...

    Of course (in theory) we can't hide our true selves from God, so the natural response to coming across him is to ask forgiveness but don't confuse that with something we have to do to make god love us.

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    You were lucky!

    I used to get undeserved loving kindness.

    So as well as not being deserving of kindness, you were also not deserving of love either.

  • TotallyADD

    The Wt. has said for many years that it is all about Jehovah and not us. Jehovahs mission is more important than any human. Totally ADD

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