Am I allowed to Post Here?

by U.2.K. 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • U.2.K.

    I decided not to join The Witness 3 months ago(For personal Reasons) I dont want to join no organization, not either churchs,. I Feel alot better to Preach The truth And Live by the Laws & Commandments and Survive this last century(Last Days) by myself, Along with my girlfriend...

    I love the Witness, They are the only ones, Who Tell Billions the truth.. 40% of my bible(KingJamesVersion) Information, I got from the witness, the Rest I Learn By myself, Thanks to Jehovah(Yahweh) & The Wonderful Armageddon Messiah(King Jesus)...But I feel kinda alone on the internet going around helping and preaching Jehovah'God & Jesus Word, Because as It is written, In the last Century, Millions will turn away from the truth- 2 Timothy Chapter 4 verse 2

    So It would be nice to Discuss The bible, at this board...
    In the future(Dec 2002) I plan on changing the World, And I am going to Continue to Preach The Word and Stand Untouchable in the eyes of billions, and We all Who Pay attention to The bible, will survive, while the Wicked be Cut off...


  • sleepy

    Off course you can post here.

    "I love the Witness, They are the only ones, Who Tell Billions the truth"

    But you won't get many agreeing with that.
    What are these truths exactly?

  • Naeblis

    I hope that I can be the first to be condemned. That would be just super super.

  • Cassiline

    U.2.K Quote,
    "In the future(Dec 2002) I plan on changing the World"



    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • U.2.K.

    The Truth on alot of things

    While Millions believe they enter Heaven, Millions Fail to Understand that, Jehovah's Footstool is not a Testing ground, Jehovah has given the Earth to Man(psalms 115-116 Verses 15&16) While His throne is for Himself, and his Son Jesus Christ and Jesus Disciples,
    and for the 144,000 Who goes there...They also do not understand that, This life that We are living in, Is not the Life that Jehovah has plan from the beginning...

    Some Christians, Believe That God/Jesus/HolySpirit are All one, They say that Jesus Came down as God, As Some Religions/use the term Reincarnation, or Trinity...An-ti-christ Comes to mind, Because People who continue to Say Jesus is God, is infact ignorant and is not accepting Jesus Christ as God's son...

    Jehovah Is not on man's level, and It is a known fact that God said in the beginning to Moses, that no man can see me and lived.. God do not lie, neither does he Forget.. Jesus also prayed to his father... There is only one God, one lord, and The Holy Spirit is Jehovah's active force

  • U.2.K.

    Hey Cassiline.. One Important thing that I plan on doing Is, Helping people that are in need of Help.. Prostitutes are my first goal.. I love women, and I plan on helping Women who carry their/lifestyle ungodly... The men Who Engage in that Act, is ignorant and intime, Jehovah Will deal with them...I do not look at them in the ignorant way, they are not to be call, Sluts, Bitchs, and so forth

    Helping the Unrighteous ones, Understand the truth, Make millions and billions for Mankind, I could care less about money, and Do some other things, like Exposed Some people(John Edwards, I'm tried of seeing that guy)

    Kinda hard to Tell you everything Cassiline, But When you See, & hear about U.2.K., then you know it's me and you will see what I'm going to do... Continue to Help, till armageddon, and Survive, and walk right into The Earthly paradise- Revelation 21 verse 1

    The term walk- Is Not walking onto another earth, just I guess, Seeing the earth turn back into a paradise

  • Marilyn

    You haven't been watching too much Ali G have you?

  • plmkrzy


    sorry but I just can't bite this one at all. phuleeeeeez.

  • Francois

    plmkrzy, here I am agreeing with you again. I think this guy is suffering from poor potty training at too early an age.


  • dmouse

    Of course you are welcome to post here U.2.K, and welcome to the board.

    But it is unlikely that I will ever respond to your posts again, our world-views are too different for us ever to understand each other.

    However, I will say this, in response to:

    … Live by the Laws & Commandments and Survive this last century(Last Days) by myself…
    Please do not isolate yourself. OK, so you are a very strong believer in the Bible and the God of Christianity; fine, but please find a church where you can mingle with other believers. Share your thoughts with them; and they, and you, will benefit from this interchange of ideas. If you remain by yourself you will have no check on the validity or credibility of your beliefs.

    Being with and communicating with other people helps us to be balanced human beings.

    In the future(Dec 2002) I plan on changing the World,
    This disturbs me. U.2.K. , if you plan on doing this by hurting yourself or others please reconsider. Nothing you could possibly do can change the world, and you may end up damaging your relationship with God.

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