What Do You Read?

by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    As a JW, I read all the publications and tried to understand all "Theocratic" Watchtower policy.

    I read 3 newspapers a day and rarely read a book or magazine, other than WT. stuff.

    I read the Bible a number of times and still find it a good read.

    I love to read the internet news as well as the cherished Drudge Report.

    What's your favorite read??

  • gma-tired2

    Mystrey Novels I now can read without a guilty conscience always read fiction but now I don't worry who finds out.

  • blondie

    Murder mysteries

    Starting a series done by Victoria Houston, Dead Angler.

    Science Fiction

    Piers Anthony


    Gardening, perennials

  • straightshooter

    Read the internet news regularly. Read the interesting posts on this forum. I don't know why, but I also still read the WT publications.

  • minimus

    Well, reading WT. publications is good for a laugh.

  • losingit

    I've been stuck on this forum for a while, reading the latest of what people post.

    But I feel a need to let go a little of jwnet, so that I can go back into reading my favorite types of books-- Latin American Literature (specifically Garcia Marquez and Allende), and modern US history books. I'm also a HUGE fan of children's picture books. I can't get enough of them-- beautiful art and sweet prose combined. :-)

  • Mr Fool
    Mr Fool

    Minimus, Lol!

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Lips, tea leaves and the writing on the wall.

  • nonjwspouse

    Mostly non fiction books, I decided to re read 1984 and animal farm recently ( Ok so it's been a good while since i read them in school) . All I can say is WOW.

    I like Drudge as well, and yes also the Huff Post. I like to read all sides. It's very good for my own thinking and for the debating arena if or when I am in a position to do so.

    I also read the WT materials to some degree, but usually rely on Blondie or this forum for information and updates. This is to keep myself sharp in order to plant seeds.

    I also read the bible but in short parts at a time. It's a lot to digest for me. I like to read all the different commentaries with the parts so I take forever ;)

  • JeffT

    History mostly, some things to improve my writing, lots of news and politics on the net.

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