Has anyone else observed how the elderly JWs are neglected?

by Joepublisher1 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    I recently asked several fellow Witnesses what the hallmark of a true Christian was?

    To save embarassing any of them who may say the wrong thing, I quickly said, "Knocking on doors to offer strangers the Watchtower & Awake? No, Jesus told us at John 13:35, that it would be if we had love amongst ourselves!"

    One individual was quite insistent that it was the preaching work - so I politely repeated what Jesus had very clearly stated.

    I then mentioned that it would be good if we could spend a fraction of our witnessing time, to actually visit our existing brothers!

  • Joepublisher1

    1 Tim 5:3-4 "The church (congregation) should care for any widow who has no one else to care for her. BUT if she has children or grandchildren, their first responsiblity is to show godliness at home and to repay their parents by taking care of them...."

    Notice the scriptures (God's word) says it should be their "first responsiblity" (ahead of anything else!).

  • Joepublisher1

    Continuing those cited scriptures: "But those who won't care for their own relatives... are worse than unbelievers." So, it's clear. Congregational and organizational responsibilities do NOT trump the Bible's clear directive.

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    Watchowder is even abusive in the use of the word Christian. The one billion dollar REAL ESTATE windfall they should be spreading it around instead of building a 500 million dollar resort hotel.... No chance of that.

  • Joepublisher1

    Wow! I thought that I was the only exJW to suggest this "Narcissistic Supply". Indeed. The WTS is quilty of neglect for not assisting those in need of money! So many of those who can no longer work used to donate for decades to the WTS funds - some are only able to donate a meager amount (if any) because they make so little each month from SS. Why is it that they get NOTHING out of all those years of donating! That's why I call the WTS a hoax, a scam, a sham! Like the expression goes, follow the money! Only the Governing Body benefits the most (monetarily-wise) from world-wide contributions. They don't have to worry about food, shelter, warmth in the winter, a/c in the brutal summer-time, house-keeping, cooking, insurance, medical insurance, prescription coverage, and co-pays, etc. They should be ashamed of themselves, too!

  • wisdomfrombelow

    If the JWs put equal emphasis on looking after the elderly as they do on their construction projects then their would be no elderly neglected. When they offer pioneers "credit" for doing some activity everyone does whatever it is in lieu of field service. I looked at the tract "Youths - What will you do with your life" which will be in the local needs part next week and there is nothing there about helping the elderly or any others in the congregation. It is all about full-time preaching and makes it seem like a negative if "family obligations limit how much one can do." Unless parents teach their own children differently there is little chance of it ever changing because it will never be advocated from the platform or in the literature.

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    These guys are greedy bastards. They have proved that. They dont care about the elderly other than what have you done for me lately.

  • Joepublisher1

    Boy, how true, as soon as they stamp something with "pioneer credit", I know so many that APPLY! But, you are right about that tract for the Youth. That's another reason why I blame the WTS leaders themselves - they don't put enough emphasis on helping the elderly. And, some grand-children won't lift a finger and if asked to help, they do so begrudgingly, if at all! It's so pathetic. How they can call themselves Christian is beyond me.

    The whole religion is a sham. So many people stay with it because it "makes them feel special - that they alone are God's people." Well, the real truth belies that claim.

  • LongHairGal


    I just hope that neglectful elder wasn't expecting working single women in the congregation to look after HIS elderly parent.

    I had to set a married sister straight when she told me that the single women in her congregation are the "support" for the elderly in the hall. I said: "Not me". I work and fend for myself, thank you very much, and was not there to be pestered. I ran from users.

    It seems to me that it is a trend for nervy elders and others to look to other people in the congregation to take care of THEIR family problems. Well, guess who these sons-of-bitches target?

    I am glad I am no longer associated with the Jehovah's Witness religion because it would be an intolerable gauntlet of deadbeat$, con-artists and nervy people looking for favors.

  • gingerbread

    The COBE of our previous congregation has a mother who is in her 90's. She is taken to the hall, grocery store, doctor and out in service.....by others in the hall.

    Many years ago, it was common for Witness families to bury their deceased relatives without a headstone or grave marker.

    Over the years, we've seen friends who were raised in the 'truth' by zealous parents begin to really enjoy life when the parent(s) grew old. With mom and dad unable to monitor their 'spiritual' lives, they play (as they themselves are now approacing retirement).

    It's the grandchildren of those zealous grandparents who are now choosing a non-JW life. They don't want to wait around (like their parents did) to grow as individuals and enjoy life.


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