Everyday, 16,000 Muslims Convert to Christianity.

by Perry 54 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • designs

    From one cult into another cult.

  • Perry

    We should all be glad that everyday there are 16,000 less potential murdering terrorists that want to kill their neighbors!

  • designs

    No more Muslim terrorists, great, how does that square with the christian terrorists who have infected humanity for the past 2000 years.

  • Perry

    Apostate "Christian" terrorists, maybe. Biblical Christian terrorists, no.

    That's like saying, "I'm a Christian thief". - an oxymoron

  • designs

    Blackwater, Jesus' army on earth.

  • LisaRose
    We should all be glad that everyday there are 16,000 less potential murdering terrorists that want to kill their neighbors!

    No, there are not 16,000 less potential murdering terrorists. In the first place, not all Muslims are potential terrorists. In the second place, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, because they tend to have a lot of children. Even with your supposed 16,000 converts, their current growth rate is about 1.8% a year. If you want to compete with Islam, you Christians need to start having more babies. That won't happen, as even Catholics use birth control, despite it being against the teachings of the church.

    This is the problem with grabbing isolated statistics, because it supports your belief system, without considering other factors. Do you know the growth rate of Christianity? Do you know where these statistic come from? Do you know in what countries these Muslims are getting converted? Do you know how?

    What other people have visions of is interesting, but meaningless in the overall scheme of things. My sister heard a voice telling her she was of the annointed. I cannot explain that, but I don't believe she is getting messages from Jehovah either.

  • Perry

    Not all terrorists are muslim. But all Islamic terrorists are muslim. So, it is true that everyday there are 16,000 fewer potential islamic terrorists due to their turning to Jesus instead of Allah.

  • designs

    Marians are Catholics who see visions of the Virgin Mary Mother of God. Will Evangelicals give them credibility as really seeing the Mother of God.

  • Perry

    That's an excellent point! Thousand of Muslims are getting visions of Jesus and not of Mary! Thanks for pointing that out

  • designs

    So are visits by Mary the Mother of God of less value. Do you accept that they are real visits from Mary.

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