Little Shop of Horrors

by teenyuck 3 Replies latest social humour

  • teenyuck

    In my previous thread:

    I discussed my dental experience. It continues!

    I am on hold, waiting for the dental people to let me speak.

    I had two crowns started on Wednesday. One popped off about 1 hour after I got home.

    I am sitting here on Friday morning and POP goes the temp crown again!!

    I hope they can get me in.

    When I went back on Wednesday, the dentist reglued the temp on with "glue that will not come off."

    Now I have to go back. They just answered and told me to come right in. OUCH!!!

  • Angharad

    Eewww sorry Puffs - sounds awful.

    I had a crown fitted a few weeks ago, I had the opposite problem when I went back, the dentist couldnt get the temporary one off. He was pulling and tugging at my tooth for ages, my jaw was really acheing when I got home

  • teenyuck

    Angharad you poor thing! I hope he can get them off!

    I have to go back on May 2 and do the real ones, so hopefully he will put enough glue to hold it but not rip out my jaw!

    My jaw is still sore from Wednesday! And my tongue is still much for quick healing!

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    I can top that!I had Root canal on a tooth that bridge work was to be connected to.They put me in a room...gave me the shots ..and disappeared!Well I kept waiting and waiting and waiting!Meanwhile I can hear them talking in the next room.Apparently a co-worker of theirs was also getting a root canal!I hear them talking about the smell from her tooth...I hear her getting the shot... hear them go back in to see if she is numb..they do the work and put the temp in and she left!I'm still there in my chair..laying down so I can't get up.I'm anyone there???Finally an hour later someone comes in and asks how I am...Then they start to work on my tooth and of course the novacaine is wore off..Well they had to give me shots in the tooth itself to numb it!I was furious but they had my tooth in their hands!I was afraid to say anything because they could have made me miserable and this was my first root canal..I didn't know what to expect!I kept quiet for 3 more trips!Finally I got the permanent cap.Then I exploded!They looked at me like I was making it up to get a discount or something!Well I had to go back for work on another crown they did and I noticed that dentist wasn't there anymore!I wonder why...GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! GG

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