The Power Of "IF"

by dubstepped 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dubstepped

    So, the whole May Money Grab episode of JWTV really looks bad to me and many others, obviously many here. I was looking on another website dedicated to active JW's and if you'll notice on post number 109 a little ways down (<click there to read) a person named Luca dares to express some concerns over the latest episode. The following pages do contain one more person that has some issue with how things were presented. However, what is of interest to me is to watch the mental gymnastics required by the other brothers and sisters to make the doubters feel bad, and themselves feel better. The misapplication of scriptures, the things the FDS has said like that there would be some times where people would be asked to do something that they didn't understand, but to do it anyway like it was some test from Jehovah. Apparently it isn't that the organization has bitten off more than it can chew, it is that they were biting off an appropriate amount but then the brothers and sisters are at fault because they shrunk back in their donations.

    So it is clear from the attitudes of those in the organization as a majority that the FDS can do no wrong. They are directly inspired by Jehovah, and whatever they do is indeed the hand of God reaching down and making them do it. It is laughable that even in the Bible Jehovah allowed himself to be questioned, but not these men. If nothing else, as one member there shows, to question openly in anything seen in public could be discouraging to others, and as we all know, they are ALL about appearances. As long as the cup looks clean on the outside, who cares what's in it.

    Now, here comes the "IF" that JW's seem to completely ignore. The scriptures in Matthew 24 near the end talk about the FDS. Verse 45 mentions the FDS that would be appointed over the domestics, to give them food at the proper time. However, the very next verse that nobody seems to mention says "Happy is that slave IF his master on coming finds him doing so!" IF.......if.........if. Not WHEN, as if it was a foregone conclusion, but if, indicating that there would be doubt.

    Now, I'm not going to sit here and condemn anyone. I do believe that lots of spiritual food has been dispensed. It isn't like there isn't zeal for doing so. However, is it possible even one bit that maybe they're overzealous? Could they be running ahead of Jehovah and trying to force projects and such when it isn't clear that Jehovah is blessing it, as they don't have the funds for the plans they're making? A person that is overzealous often cares and out of that care they are unbalanced and become manipulative and controlling. It is just as bad as a person without any zeal. They end up hurting lots of people in the process, whichever way they go.

    Why does nobody mention the IF? Why do so many JW's see them as infallible when they have actually admitted to being fallible? Heck, they've even said themselves that they are the FDS, now with more discreet, as they were apparently lacking discretion at times but things have been progressively revealed. But the rank and file have put them up on such a pedestal that they are almost seen as God himself.

    I know that many just see everything they do as tainted and manipulative garbage. I know that many too don't see them as representative of God because God isn't real. But whatever the case, if you look at it even with eyes of a JW with any thinking ability whatsoever, it is just appalling how much power they give the organization and in particular the FDS in their lives. One person is apparently cashing out life insurance policies and others applaud them in doing so because one person even said that they would literally give everything they had to the organization if they could. That just wreaks of really unstable people and mental disease so severe that is is really sad. I know what it was like to not think for myself. It wasn't that long ago. Actually, I always could, and I questioned things that didn't make sense since I was a kid, but it wasn't until recently that I could get past all of the stops that the FDS put in my head that made me unable to walk away. You know, fear of eternal death. Not keeping up with the chariot, which is how they can justify anything. The catch phrases are too many to go over, but it took a while for me to get over those hurdles. The manipulation and mind control makes me very sad.

  • freemindfade

    Wow, I had to stop reading the responses, my blood pressure was elevating!

  • dubstepped
    I feel ya FMF, my intent wasn't to get anyone bent out of shape. It pissed me off too. But beyond my reaction was just how mind blowing it is the free pass that they give the FDS for any and everything they do when even the scriptures that they use as a basis for the FDS are not conclusive that they would indeed be doing right by the work they had to do. It wasn't a given, but JW's set them on high in a way that resembles any cult out there.
  • wokeup

    'if you look at it even with eyes of a JW with any thinking ability whatsoever, it is just appalling how much power they give the organization and in particular the FDS in their lives.'

    Some are drinking the kool-aid awfully heavy:

    'I've started watching the May 2015 broadcast, but not finished yet. It is so touching my heart! To think, that the organization needs our donations! What a privilege! It just shows how Jehovah is speeding up the work as we need more and more kingdom halls & branches. It really feels like people are flocking to the mountain of Jehovah in this time of the end.'

    'I guess we'll have to dig a little deeper now and maybe start buying less fresh food and goodies! About the only thing we can cut back on now to help with kingdom interests is our groceries! We have already done things to ensure that we are keeping our eye simple. We've cancelled our cable TV and gone to just basic/local channels, and our internet speed to basic... but now seeing the videos on is a bit choppy - it takes extra time to load and times out a lot. So maybe Jehovah will understand if we go back to a higher internet speed. It is something to pray about. We need the broadcasts to help keep us spiritually strong, so perhaps that can be part of our budget for "kingdom interests"!~ :) :) :)

    'We are prayerfully thinking about cancelling or cashing out some of our life insurance policies -- and using that to further the kingdom work. We know that Jehovah is speeding up the work and Armageddon can be here any day! '

  • millie210

    I have been reading that thread occasionally and have marveled also at the struggle it takes to "make this all ok" mentally.

    In post # 178 notice the attention given to "appearances" with new/interested/worldly people but most especially telling was the part I bolded:

    - public forum, comments here show up in Google, and our comments may be read by interested ones who have only just encountered the truth, and weak ones who might be on their way out.

    Is it really loving to have such ones read comments that question the decisions of the governing body and accuse them of disobeying Scripture? If this is the direction the forum is going to take, then why limit the criticism to money, why not expand into teachings, practices, and other subjects that some might not always agree with?

    I know of some who are already on the verge of leaving because they disagree with the GB approving a website, or a TV station, or the construction project, or the "luxury" apartments. If they came across the negative comments in this thread, do you think that would make them have more faith in the GB's decisions as led by the holy spirit, or would it make them even more distrustful of the GB, possibly to the point of leaving entirely?-

    So apparently this poster knows some who are on the verge of leaving over

    1) the website

    2) tv station

    3) construction projects

    4) luxury apartments

    Im glad the information is getting out and people at least know what to be discouraged over.

    Guess we better be prepared to welcome more new arrivals here.

  • AlwaysBusy
    I think the GB is on a pedestal because they have put themselves there. As you probably know, ones that were around in the 70s and before, didn't know who the GB were, or what money was needed or the names of the GB. At least, in the 50s, 60s,70s and 80s I don't remember ever hearing of them. Now, every prayer, every meeting mentions the GB. The Governing Body has gone public. It was much better the other way, when they were silent and anonymous. The Witnesses that have been around for a long while don't worship the GB or COs or Pioneers or Elders. We were taught that the only inspired writing was in the Bible, that the GB, anointed and so on, have no more insight than you or me. That is still true. No one is infallible, including the GB, as examples of fallen ones that were members of the GB are part of WT's history. Not all JWs are stupid, uneducated or blind followers. Nor do all JWs believe that all is perfect within the GB, WT and every congregation. I hear and read often, "sheep are stupid" (quote from the Awake Mag and discussed on this and other forums). The religion has deteriorated, and I feel sorry for the r & f. No thinks of them as any more than dunces who take up space in the KH. Sad....the religion is becoming pathetic and sad. Too many rules, too much hardship and depression and too much idol worship. I believe that, someday, it will fall apart, not because of Jehovah God, or Jesus, but because one can't squeeze blood from a turnip. It's just a matter of time.
  • DesirousOfChange

    I find it interesting how is was acceptable for the newly (SELF APPOINTED) Apostle Paul to "RESIST [Peter] FACE TO FACE" over his treatment of the Gentiles in the Cong, or it was OK for the Bereans to question the Apostle Paul, but DEAR GOD, OBEY THE GB WITHOUT QUESTION DON'T DARE DOUBT THEM IN ANY WAY.

    After all, they are God's channel of communication. Not apostles. (WTF?)


  • OneFingerSalute

    I noticed this comment, as referred to in an earlier post.

    Well i have always trusted the FDS. i feel its Jehovah telling us to donate more. The GB have fully applied Luke 14: 28, and what happens? It wasnt them with not calculating properly, it was with us, with our dropback of contributions

    So once again, it is YOUR FAULT when the fds screws up! Any R&F JDubya's must give more, even if they are at the end of their financial rope ready to drop. NEVER will the fds scale anything back when faced with the economic realities of life.

    What a f-ed up mess.

  • freddo
    I noticed post 178 by a poster called Stavro too. Is Stavro being a very clever little poster? I do hope so.
  • LisaRose

    I couldn't read that, it would just make me sad that so many are still so brainwashed. It brings to mind what people say of any parody of an extreme religion, it's really hard to tell it from the real thing.

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