Need Advice On Shunning My Dying Dad, Please Advise!

by AuntConnie 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AuntConnie

    Dear JWN,

    When I was out in Field Service yesterday I was approached by some sisters asking me how my dying dad was doing. I said "I try not to visit him, you will have to ask him yourself." Dad is not disfellowshiped, his sins are that he allowed my homeless brother to move in with us when my brother was not in "good standing". Dad and Mom took care of me when I filed for bankrupty and had my cars repo'ed. They are the ones who allowed me to go two years without paying rent (remember my husband the elder was taking a hiatus from working?) yet my hatred for Dad knows no bounds.

    Please help me! How can I shun him, my religion allows me to judge him as worthy for Gehenna so my brain put's him in a catagory of Apostate, that way I can allow my "eighty year old" Mum to juggle him while I SHINE FIELD SERVICE! AM I BAD?

  • confusedandalone

    I am not sure if this is real or not. Maybe I can not read. Please confirm I am correct here:

    1. Your dad is not disfellowshipped.

    2. Your dad helped your brother and you during the most difficult of times?

    3. This man who helped you both is dying?

    4. You are shunning him eventhough he is not df'ed

  • Qcmbr

    Stop shunning and take back ownership of your life. The WT will change their policy on shunning sooner or later. There aren't many doctrinal points they haven't fiddled with in their short history. That's what men do when they make stuff up. You get one shot at spending your life with those around you. Don't let a belief f**k that up.

  • gma-tired2

    Aunt Connie I don't know you but if youare serious think of your future. How guilty will you feel when you are in your 80s and there has been no Armageddon, no new system, and you weren't there for the end of your dads life and your mom needing your emotional support. I know Jehovah and Jesus must be more loving and forgiving than JWs teach. Examine your heart.

  • tornapart

    Why do you hate your dad?

  • bigmac

    i enjoy "aunticonnie'"s threads---but i'm sure its a clever wind up.

    for what its worth --my 92 year old jw dad is still very much alive and kicking--and has never shunned me in all the years ive been an ex-jw... he knows i dont believe in god--and accepts it. he is in a care home now--and i visit him twice a week. the bruvvers might visit once a month. his jw born-in daughter in law--my ex wife--has visited him once--in 8 months. she lives half a mile away.

    his granddaughter--a fourth generation born in--lives with her mother--and has not been near him at all.

    what a screwed up religion.

  • Ding

    What would Jesus do?

    Go to your dad and show him you love him.

  • nonjwspouse

    To hate your Dad is to go against the Bible and what Jesus instructed, do you realize that? You are not worthy of judging anyone. You are not Jesus.

    You hate your dad, yet he selflessly helped you and your brother? He never harmed you or others.

    Your dad is not even disfellowshiped! That alone is reason for any JW to not shun.

    I am wondering if this is a troll post....

    If not, Aunt Connie, please go get some professional mental help.

  • oppostate

    AuntConnnie's posts are Con's...

    Mostly trollish rants by a presumed super-Dub whose pharisaic statements are meant to get a rise out of JWN/JWD readers.
  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I love AuntConnie's posts. 100% satire but I do know folks that sort of act that way. Brilliant!

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