Scans of letter from Branch

by confusedandalone 25 Replies latest members private

  • KiddingMe


  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Thanks for posting and also to those who looked up the quotes.



    Awesome Bro!

    Isn't it ironic that when the WTBTS has to get down to brass tacks, so to speak, they always make the same argument. They have their BIG 3 " truths" that they claim, namely, No-Trinity, No Hell-fire, and using JEHOVAH. How many of these meet their criteria for TRUTH presented at the God's Word is Truth DC?


    1) God's word

    2) The correct understanding of God's word.

    3) Jesus' teachings

    4) Does not change

    5) Cannot contradict other truth

    6) Verifiable fact

    7) Cannot contain human speculation or assumptions. ( The ancient prophets did not speak in generalities and speculations)

    Out of those BIG 3, which the WTBTS admits were not even unique to the Bible Student, how many are actual " truths?" Are any verifiable facts, free of human speculation. Are they, in fact, correct understandings? Will they change? Do they contradict other verifiable facts? Are they in harmony with Christ's teachings?

  • yourmomma

    so the writers of the greek scriptures were not members of the faithful slave, so basicly the 8 members of the governing body are above the bible writers on the hierarchy. wow

  • confusedandalone

    yourmomma - this is precisely what I thought as well.

    I can not imagine how any thinking person could accept this response as valid?

  • Bella15

    Funny how they cite their own publications as "AUTHORITY" in the matter ...

  • Oubliette

    Wow, thanks for posting! Great stuff.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    If Russell's beliefs were not "unique" and other Christians discerned "truths" long before Russell ever did, it is completely arrogant to claim that God had more reason to choose Russell over everyone else. It is hubris to an extreme. In fact, Russell learned various "truths" he turned into WT doctrines from the very people WT now marginalizes as not having god's blessing.

    From the WT letter above:

    "Jehovah blessed the International Bible Student's search for truth and led them to discover more and more Bible truths so that they became a repository of accumulated Bible truths".

    The following are examples of "Bible truths" that Jehovah allegedly led Russell to teach to millions of people through WT literature. All have since been discarded as utter nonsense.


    The "Last Days" started in 1799 and the 1800's were the worst time period of all history

    That Jesus' presence commenced in 1874

    1873 marked 6,000 years of man's existence since Adam (later changed to 1975)

    That Jesus had begun ruling in 1878

    The sealing of the 144,000 would be complete by 1889

    Armageddon would occur in 1914

    That the end was going to come in 1925

    That blood was acceptable as food for Christians

    That Jesus should be prayed to and worshipped as well as Jehovah

    That the Great Crowd were a heavenly class

    That birthdays and Christmas were acceptable celebrations

    The cross was on the cover of the Watchtower

    Teachings adapted from Freemasons such as that pyramids and astrology supported 1914

    Strong Zionist support for a new nation of Israel in fulfillment of Bible prophecy

    That the Faithful and Discreet Slave was not the anointed, but rather Pastor Russell

    Jehovah lived in the Plaeides constellation on the Star Halcyon

    "Leviathan" in the Book of Job prophetically pointed to the steam locomotive

  • jhine

    In the letter it says that Jesus said that in the last days the F&DS would be used as a channel for spiritual food , well I can't remember the mention of the faithful slave being linked to the LAST days .

  • AnnOMaly

    well I can't remember the mention of the faithful slave being linked to the LAST days .

    It's new! The July 15th WT articles, remember?

    Old idea: FDS existing from 33 CE, appointed over household of faith to feed at proper time. Having been found faithfully and discreetly performing duties at inspection in 1918, 'it' collectively was promoted over all Master's belongings in 1919.

    New idea: Because FDS illustration was given during the prophecy about the last days, FDS only appeared at that time from 1914. So, FDS appointed over household of faith to feed at proper time in 1919. Promotion over all Master's belongings is yet future.

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