Why was Chris Lane killed?

by Marvin Shilmer 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Living in a country without real gun crime, having never heard of or witnessed even knife crime, i think it is about time the US stopped deluding itself.

    Kids with guns here are lying abiut owning it or as rare as rocking horse poo. By coincidence stories like this are rare too. Maybe less than five a year maximum, for the whole country.


  • designs

    What country.

  • Glander

    " ...calling these teens 'animals' don't you find it makes executing them in prison or on the street that much easier. The countries that have low killing rates and better societies than ours are addressing the social construct of their civilization better than we are- education, careers, liberty, health care etc.. As these standards rise the correlation to violent killings subsides."

    This after about 50 years and trillions of dollars spent on the Democrats "Great Society" also known as turning an entire class of people into dependant slaves of the government with all incentives to achieve removed.

  • designs

    In the movie To Kill A Mockingbird there is a powerful scene meant to be a metaphor on our Society where Atticus has to kill a rabid dog, he hesitats for just a moment and then does his duty, it is after all a rabid dog.

  • Glander

    what is the metafor of the rabid dog observation? Sorry, but I am not quite sure how you mean this.

    Surely you are not saying that the young man out for a jog was like a rabid dog?

  • designs

    No it is not about Christpher Lane, he came from a Society far less violent than ours. It has to do with American culture and how we deal with life.

  • Glander

    As of this morning it is being reported that one of the thugs had tweeted about his "hatred of white people."

    Been waiting for that shoe to drop.

  • designs

    I think that is the shooter, he's posted enough to give the DA plenty of arguments if this comes to trial.

    I wonder how old he was when he was first arrested. I would imagine that no mentoring program was offered or even available to help someone in this situation to be able to turn the corner from the trajectory his life was taking.

    Finland is considered to be the #1 or #2 country for educating its young. 2% dropout compared to 25% here. They just don't let their young people fail. Teaching groups are formed and teachers (groups of 3) stay with their students through several grades. Mentors are assigned to students who struggle.

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