Attention Watchtower Purchasing Department: Time to increase your paper stockpile...

by Calebs Airplane 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    Yeah. I need to wipe my ass.

  • jgnat

    Evolutionary principle? China will grow. The www (World Wide Web, not World Wide Work) will grow. Will the WTS grow?

  • Truth seeker 674
    Truth seeker 674

    "evolutionary principle? China will grow. The www (World Wide Web, not World Wide Work) will grow. Will the WTS grow?"

    No the WTBTS will not grow and the few at the top know this, they must! The evolutionary principal ( to coin a phrase) will prevail. It always has. Who knows in a couple of years the chinese government will be our biggest friend. Its in thier best interests as well as ours.

  • WTWizard

    As long as the washtowel keeps coming up with new ways to waste paper, it will never go down very much. Every time they reject Astaroth and advertise that event, just think of how much paper they waste doing that. They do the same with the Grand Boasting Session invites. And now in November, they have NR38--the lies about what happens when you die. More paper wasted.

  • besty

    you can get 9" tablets for $50 today

    these are almost disposable item prices...

    The Internet is the Watchtowers Nemesis - its killing them in multiple different ways - information wants to be free....

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