The WTBTS-What A Joke!

by JW GoneBad 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    I found these questions that were part of a Theocratic Written Review for the week of February 24, 2003 that are in need of updating:

    Multiple Choice: The faithful and discreet slave mentioned by Jesus at Matthew 24:45-47 is (a) the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses; (b) all anointed Christians as a group on earth at any given time; (c) Jesus Christ himself.

    Back in 2003 the correct answer would have been (b) all anointed Christians as a group on earth at any given time. However today according to the July 15, 2013 Study Edition Watchtower the answer is (a) the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    Multiple Choice : This slave supplies spiritual food at the proper time to the “domestics,” who represent (a) anointed ones as individuals; (b) the other sheep; (c) all readers of Christian publications.

    Back in 2003 the correct answer would have been (a) anointed ones as individuals. However today according to the July 15, 2013 Study Edition Watchtower the answer is neither (a), (b) or (c) but (d) the great crowd of other sheep and all the anointed including the governing body.

    Multiple Choice : The Master appointed the slave over all his belongings in the year (a) 1914; (b) 33 C.E.; (c) 1919.

    Back in 2003 the correct answer would have been (c) 1919. However today according to the July 15, 2013 Study Edition Watchtower the answer is neither (a), (b) or (c) but (d) The Master will appoint someone, God knows who, sometime in the future during the Great Tribulation!

    The WTBTS-What a Joke!

  • Gorbatchov

    JW gonebad, great post! This is a sign of the silly religion we are of were part of. The're gone crazy. And the rank-and-file parroting the FDS.

    I'm faded and it feels great.

    I make a copy of your post, it's great and will help to inform other JW's about our sect.


  • Truth seeker 674
    Truth seeker 674

    Its hard to keep up with is'nt it. Thats why I like hanging around here I learn soooo much new light. LOL

  • sir82

    Most JWs I know don't give a flying fig what the doctrine is, whether it changes, contradicts itself, or makes no sense at all.

    These days, being a JW is all about feeling good, appearing good, exhibiting the right behavior and actions.

    The nuts and bolts of what is actually believed? That's back around 20th or 30th place.

    Rather like MLM - does it really matter if its Amway or Herbalife or [fill in the blank]? For the guys who "win" the MLM game, the actual product is completely & utterly irrelevant.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley
    Most JWs I know don't give a flying fig what the doctrine is, whether it changes, contradicts itself, or makes no sense at all.

    This is also what I've observed. Most JWs are not bothered by "New Light" changes because they really don't know their own doctrines well enough to understand the significance. Additionally, WT has convinced JWs that constant doctrinal changes are required of any religion(WT) that is "god's sole channel of communication on earth".

    New doctrinal changes are welcomed as confirmation the WT is god's chosen religion, no matter how absurd the explanation given for the changes are or to what degree the "new light" nullifies/contradicts former "truths".

  • Narcissistic Supply
  • VM44

    Why did it take until the July 15th, 2013 Watchtower before the meaning of who made up the "Faithful and Discreet slave" and "Domestics" became known?

    What took so loing?

    Is The Watchtower just making things up as they go along?

  • wisdomfrombelow

    Is The Watchtower just making things up as they go along?

    The Watchtower IS just making things up as they go along!

  • tootired2care

    That 3rd one is devastating to whatever authority argument they try to use.

  • problemaddict

    If I hear one more person justify this "new light" by telling me......"isn't that what we always believed?"......I'm going to go on a Jihad.

    Seriously, that statement in one small sentance tells me you have given up your ability to think on your own and are somehow ok with that, and second, that you were too stupid or didn't care enough to understand the theology of what you most likely still consider to be the one, true, and only faith.


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