STRAIGHT FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH! Possible shift in position from the WTBTS on the global vs local deluge.

by marmot 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sir82
    Sir82, please explain what it is that I visited on my iPhone then

    My best guess is that you visited the Facebook page of an overenthusiastic JW apologist who got tired of "waiting on Jehovah" and decided that the WTS too slow for his liking, and decided to set up a fake page so that it would look like the WTS was on the ball.

    You can call Bethel if you like and ask if they have have a facebook page. The phone number there is 845-306-1100.

  • DesirousOfChange

    You can call Bethel if you like and ask if they have have a facebook page. The phone number there is 845-306-1100.

    PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE.............. someone do that and post the reply!!!

    The WT involved in Social Networking??? I don't think so.

    (Why haven't the sued that imposter?)


  • adamah

    "We are not scientists, of course, and it is quite possible that when one adheres rigorously to scientific precepts, that it is simply not possible for many of them to accept a global flood just 4,000 years ago. Therefore, we have no doubt that scientists are generally quite honest about their understanding of the evidence."

    Let's flip that around, and see what a scientist might say to the JWs:

    "We are not MEMBERS OF A CULT, of course, and it is quite possible that when one adheres rigorously to THEOLOGICAL precepts, that it is simply not possible for many of them to accept THE IMPOSSIBILITY of a global flood just 4,000 years ago. Therefore, we have no doubt that MEMBERS are generally quite honest about their REFUSAL TO SEE the evidence."


  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    I think they are saying they have flooded the planet with bullshit and they are really just a real estate laundering scam and the gig is up.

    Or something.

  • slimboyfat

    On the basis of this thoroughly dishonest reasoning the earth may turn out to be flat.

    What is the earth in your view?

  • Comatose

    Oh pleasssssssse slim! Not this tripe again. Come on.

  • slimboyfat

    Lets see the colour of your tripe. What is the earth?


    If I told a field serve-us group that the Hebrew word for earth could mean land, and that the flood could have been localized and still have destroyed all the wicked of Noah's day, I would be DF'd for apostasy. I can't even tell anyone that you read a concordance or other translations beside the NWT!

    Someone help me here. How can there be ruins that are older than the flood? Hasn't China been around since before the WTBTS says Adam was created? Are all the dates off perhaps? How can we KNOW anything?

  • bohm

    SBF: What is the earth?

    what is the earth, what is water?

    what is a shirt, who is my father?,

    is water wet, is fire hot?

    i ask and say i know it not-

    I am a grown man with a trick,

    I ask questions like i am six.

  • notsurewheretogo

    There is no official WTBTS Facebook page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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