Imitate Their Faith - Reference & Comments

by Bobcat 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bobcat

    This thread is similarly purposed to this one on the Jeremiah Book.

    I intend it as a source for material and comments relating to the new Imitate Their Faith Book that came out at the 2013 WT District Convention.

    Eventually, the book is going to be studied at the Congregation Book Study. (The book itself says so. See the letter from the Governing Body, par. 4) So this thread should serve as a handy reference and links to other threads that discuss this.

    For ease of reference, if anyone posts specific material here (or links to it), if you could put the chapter and/or page number and paragraph as the first line in your post.

    Many lurkers peruse here without ever posting. It may help them to develop their thinking abilities if they see reasoned consideration and comments on the material in the book.

  • Bobcat

    Page 4, par. 3

    "The apostle Paul offers this practical answer . . . (Heb 6:12)"

    Throughout this, and indeed, all WT pubs, "the apostle Paul" is attributed authorship of the book of Hebrews.

    This is interesting because there is no agreement by scholars, ancient or modern, regarding who was the writer of Hebrews. The book itself does not identify the writer. Various possibilities proffered include Paul, Luke, Barnabas, as well as others. Some have strong opinions about their preferred choice, as does the WT.

    I used to give the elders strained faces by always prefacing my comments on the book of Hebrews with, "The anonymous writer of Hebrews said . . . ."

    What I was saying (about its authorship) was absolutely true. Neither did it dispute the possibility that Paul may have written it. Yet it would fly in the face of the publications that would always, unequivically, attribute Hebrews to Paul. It was one of my ways of 'rebuking' the WT. It was also a way of saying, 'Your conclusions are not necessarily mine.'

    There is an amount of hypocrisy in the WT's stance on the writer of the book of Hebrews. If one were to openly speak of the names of the translators of the NWT, the Society would be affronted by it. They insist that they wanted to be anonymous. (Unfortunately, Ray Franz spilled the beans, and the writers's names are now public.) Yet the WT insists on identifying the writer of Hebrews whenever they cite the book. Why do they not respect the writer of Hebrews right to remain anonymous?

    [Compare Acts 23:1, 2, NWT:

    Looking intently at the San′he·drin Paul said: “Men, brothers, I have behaved before God with a perfectly clear conscience down to this day.” 2 At this the high priest An·a·ni′as ordered those standing by him to strike him on the mouth.

    Paul's saying that nothing about acting as a Christian bothered his conscience was a backward way of condemning the Sanhedrin which opposed Christianity.]

  • Narcissistic Supply
  • Bobcat


    For some reason, your graphic reminds me of Metro Man from the Megamind movie. (One of my favorite movies!)

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    I prayed to jesus all my life. Never had a problem with it. Jeho's come out of their skin when you pray to jesus. They don't tell you that when they try to fool you at baptism.

    This jesus picture just cracks me up too...

  • Bobcat
  • mysticalwolf40

    That picture is funny and a little disturbing... Remember the Burger King commercials with the king wearing a plastic outfit similiar? lol

    Anyway, I too have also prayed to Jesus my whole life and still will. We have also had similiar incidents when we cornered our JW bible study friend. I don't remember his exact words because he went around the question and I lost interest.

    I will listen better next time so I can accurately post to these questions.

    Well, off to the hall....

  • problemaddict

    Thata the "buddy Christ" from the movie Dogma. Vry funny. George Carlin plays a priest in one of the greatest moves ever.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Hi Bobcat, thanks for the warning about the new book which I have not obtained yet.

    I will treat it as the second most important thing in my life!!

    What's the most important thing? Everything else!!

  • Bobcat

    Various already existing links regarding the Imitate Their Faith book:

    PDF download via Sendspace. See here.

    Cover art. See here.

    Brief synopsis. See here.

    Referring to Abraham as Abram. See here.

    Page 21: Reference to Noah's Ark. See here.


    I'm approaching it with caution. I don't want to be negative for no reason. There may be some good points in it. And there are a lot worse things that someone could write about. But there seems to also be a good bit of speculation in the book being passed off as solid fact. I'll have some examples in the next few posts. (And I'm just in the first few pages!)

    Take Care

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