My Story So far

by ILoveTTATT 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • ILoveTTATT

    Ok... I can't.... I can't... this is a 1000 times harder to read than CoC... I won't be able to sleep!!

    Moonies, Heaven's Gate, Jim Jones Temple (now I know the source of the expression "drink the Kool-Aid")... it is SCARYYYYY to think that we share so many things!!

    So far: Charismatic leader (GB is a leader even though they are 7+), doomsday, ex-members are shunned/ostracized, changing doctrine, members are lied to...

    I want to puke

  • ILoveTTATT

    *** w79 5/15 pp. 5-6 Is Your Trust in God . . . Or in a Man? ***


    There is no question that the Jonestown tragedy was a case of the blind leading the blind and both falling into a pit. (Matt. 15:14) The entire episode underscores the wisdom of Jesus’ command not to exalt men. (and the JW's don't exalt men????) No doubt many of those who followed Jones had at one time belonged to the various denominations of Christendom. (Christianity). But they were allured by this self-proclaimed messiah (The GB... "Jesus will be DELIGHTED") who had a vision of a socialist paradise. (And that is what probably lured them in) Well has this horrible episode been described as “an appalling demonstration of the way in which a charismatic leader can bend the minds of his followers with a devilish blend of professed altruism (We love you, dear Brothers and Sisters)and psychological tyranny.” (Believe in what we tell you or lose your family and friends)

    But still one wonders about the naïve people who were taken in by Jones. It is said that 80 percent of them were blacks, mostly in poorer circumstances. (I see, so that's why you don't want us going to university... keep us all poor and dumb) Some, both whites and blacks, who were altruistically motivated, joined because of the stress he put on racial equality and because of various humanitarian projects that he at first sponsored. (And this is the saddest part... yes, maybe, JW's do good to people, but at what cost?) Yet one wonders about their devotion to righteous principles. By tolerating and cooperating with all the unclean things Jones himself did and caused to be done (Reminds me of those who put up with Rutherford), they certainly showed that their trust was not in God, nor were they concerned about following Jesus Christ. (Wow, even HERE they put the blame on the believers!! Unbelieveable!!)

    How could they give such blind devotion and loyalty to a man who “flaunted his power over people and forced them to fulfill his consuming needs for financial, egotistical and sexual gratification”? (Because they were a cult!!)

    Clearly, none who put their trust in the God of the Bible could have been taken in by such an extremely wicked man who selfishly, wantonly, exploited his power to influence others, one who so cruelly, grossly and ruthlessly betrayed naïve trust. True Christians are safeguarded from the dire consequences of putting trust in a mere man. God’s Word, the Bible, not only points them to the true religion, but clearly identifies the kinds of religion that are to be avoided, the sectarianism that is usually based on the exaltation of some human leader or man-made cult.


  • JakeM2012

    IloveTTAT, I appreciate your story, from my experience, don't try to process it in one setting. I'm still trying to read Hannsens book.

    I'm only in my fith year of non attendance/support of JW's and I stuggle with who to talk to about what. My wife has not attended in years either, and she is beginning to recognize things that we have not even talked about but she will bring up, and I don't believe she is reading any outside material either. But when I talk with her its best to keep it to a minimal, if it comes from me it's "negative" but if she thinks of it it's ok.

    I have a sister that I would love to wake up, but I have pushed too hard in some emails lately, and she replied about "the organization being made up of imperfect people trying to do the best, don't give up on the organization."

    I'll agree, once you know the TTAT, it is hard to keep a lid on it. But as mentioned, too much talk will get you DF'd for apostasy. That is an individual decision that some are ready to make, others, maybe not. For me, I'm not so concerned about wakeing elderly witnesses up, with much of my family, it is a waste of time. But if someone is young I'll take extra time to try to get them to think and do research so that they don't complicate their lives anymore with falsehoods and subsequent decisions.

    Thanks again for your story.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    My perosnal thought about the GB meetings:

    They dictate demands of the 7+ million rank and file Witnesses, and then roll their poop in little balls.


  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    I'm glad I went back to read your story. In all my months of searching I had not come across that WT article. Slapping head that I could have ever believed any of this nonsense. I was a toddler when that was published; my parents convinced I'd never start school, then not graduate all becauses of the big A.

    Wish you all the best in your exit.

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