by jw04 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • jw04

    I would like to know about Jehovah's Witnesses, what they can cannot do.
    I am interested in the truth, although it seems a bit confusing.
    I have seen a few of Jehovah's Witness on Facebook, and would like to know, why in the literature it says that it is dis-encouraged to have a profile on social network sites, yet many have profiles, why is it like that? also in commenting on photos on the site, I noticed swearing inappropriate words and behavior from comments on some photos. Is there any knowledge gone to heart to the ones acting this way? Don't they need spiritual enhancement for all that?
    I would like an opinion on this matter.
    Thank you.

  • Truth seeker 674
    Truth seeker 674

    What literature have you been reading? I have been out of the cult for a long time. Before the internet even existed. I think the more you read and listen to Jehovah's Witnesses you'll get the feeling that they dis encourage a lot of stuff and they don't like the internet. Theres too much information and social networking makes people question things. They just like social networking amongs other cult members.

  • Mum

    Welcome to the forum!

    If you are thinking of becoming a Jehovah's Witness, please take it slowly. Ask a LOT of questions. Ask the local elders the same questions you are asking here. Most of us on this forum have been JW's and no longer believe in it because of things that were not consistent with truth.

    Personally, I could no longer stand being married to a JW elder who monitored my every move. I wanted an education, and I was derided and ridiculed for that.

    I did not grow up in a JW family, so I'm one of the lucky ones. I have been free of the JW's and their hypocritical nonsense since 1979. I have never looked back or regretted getting out.

    Don't you already know what JW's cannot do? Just in case you have not been observing them closely, here's a partial list: celebrate holidays (New Year's, Valentine's Day, any day honoring a person, 4th of July/Independence Day [American], Easter, or Christmas); associate with ex-Jehovah's Witnesses, question anything the Governing Body says (no matter how bizarre or inconsistent with current or past doctrine); salute the flag of their country, serve in the military, accept a blood transfusion (even if it's a matter of life and death), and many others.

    If you have children or plan to have children, you would be creating a life of misery for them. JW's are baptizing kids at younger and younger ages. By the time they're in their teens, they have pretty good odds of being disfellowshipped (for being normal teenagers), causing a rift and strife in the family. It is the policy of the WT Society to blame the victim in cases of teenage rebellion and rape.

    I wish I could give a better recommendation, but, alas, facts are facts. Keep reading this board. People here have been through a lot!

    Best wishes with your decision.

  • punkofnice

    Welcome to the forum.

    I am interested in the truth

    This is why I left the JWs. The 'truth' keeps changing and flip flopping back and forth. What a JW believed 10 years ago is considered 'apostacy' now.

    If you are interested in truth why not check out

    The reason you will see inappropriate behaviour of JWs is because they are simply just people doing people stuff.

  • Londo111

    Welcome, JW04.

    If you’d like the truth, go to:

    As far as what they cannot do…this is a high control group, like Scientology, the Mormons, the Moonies, therefore the list of restrictions is too much to even list. What can’t get you disfellowshipped and shunned, will at least carry a social stigma.

    If the teachings are confusing, that should be a red flag. See…once you join, if you disagree with a teaching and it becomes known, then it can land you in the backroom with three elders in a secret trial called a ‘judicial committee’. That can lead to a person being disfelloshipping, and from then on, all JWs, even family, would have to shun you.

  • jw04

    I was reading one of the magazines about 2 years ago, about what to know about social networking sites, the warnings and cautiousness. I am not so sure if they don't like the internet, these days almost everyone uses internet. I know many have accounts online. But what questions me is why in their teachings they disencourage all to avoid using those sites, yet, can see themsleves using it, that's totally wrong, teaching others things you should'nt do yet they themselves who teach, do it. Plus how some act,(who say be no part of this world) aren't much different that world, like they are worldly, swearing, drinking, partying, not being much of a help at all for the weak, sick ones. (Teaching to help others who need it, and help one another) Having their own groups, choose who to hang out with, thats very disrespectful, and not Christian like. They go and learn and teach others and complain about how others behave, yet they don't see themselves, they think that if they are strong spiritually, that they don't need any upbuilding on the way they act and behave. I am not saying this about everyone, but most are like that just from observing and experience. Any other opinion on this topic would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  • Londo111

    The underlying reason they discourage social networking, and the fear of the internet, is Information Control. There is information they do not want to rank and file to know, especially from former members whom they describe in the most vitriolic terms.

    This is what cults (aka high control groups) do. Scientologists go as far as installing webfilters on their computers to filter anything critical of Scientology.

  • punkofnice
  • factfinder

    Welcome jw04!

    As has been mentioned, the wts is a high control group. They want to control the information Jehovah's Witnesses take in. The governing body claims the authority of the faithful and discreet slave and insists you believe everything and anything they tell you and ignore anything to the contrary.

    You are not allowed to question or disagree with the GB as mentioned , or you will be disfellowshipped.

    I read the publications but don't agree with everything written.

    There is much information you can find on jwn.

    Mum brings out many good points!

  • jws

    The JWs have a lot of rules. Many written, many unwritten, many implied.

    Sometimes the publications will talk about something and say it's a matter of conscience. But they'll strongly imply that they don't approve.

    Some people will take things like this several ways.

    Some want to follow the JWs, but feel they'd be safe in their faith. And they say technically, it's a matter of conscience. So they do it. Now others will judge them poorly for it.

    Some will blatantly go against it. Feeling there is no scriptural basis and the Watchtower should stay out of it. These will also be viewed poorly by the more uptight in the congregation.

    And others will take that same article to mean there's an absolute ban and they will never do that and will judge those who do. Unfortunately, in my experience, this is the path chosen by the majority.

    Take funerals for non-JWs. I read what I could about that and it left it as a matter of conscience. One wouldn't want to participate in a religious act, but otherwise, use your judgment. Yet my father would not attend the memorial service for his own non-JW brother. Somebody he was close to for 80 years. Which also offended many non-JW family members who now view Jehovah's Witnesses as cold, unloving people.

    Back in the 70's, Watchtower articles warned about disco music. They likened it to tribal mating beats and inferred the music alone would drive people to engage in sex. Yet today, go to a JW wedding and chances are they'll be playing disco. And even elders will be dancing to it.

    Views and attitudes change and the Witnesses change with them. These are policies of men, not God.

    What is so harmful about Facebook? Aside from potential privacy issues? The real issue is that people who are not JWs can find and contact you. And those can be distractions to your becoming or staying a Jehovah's Witness. Why? Because others aren't so uptight. Some people are enjoying their life and that's not the picture painted in Watchtower articles. And because your non-JW friends may show you that the Witnesses and their teachings are dangerous to follow.

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