JWs made the news next to dinosaurs

by rmt1 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • rmt1


    Seattle officials call for ban on 'potentially offensive' language

    "Dinosaurs, for example, conjures the topic of evolution, which could rile fundamentalists and birthdays are not celebrated by Jehovah’s Witnesses. Halloween, meanwhile, suggests an affiliation to Paganism."

  • OnTheWayOut

    This is sensitivity gone too far. I could find someone upset at any words or terms. I know the City of Chicago is not supposed to have any religious holidays for its workers but retains Christmas as Santa Claus day unofficially. The rest are "secular" holidays.

  • Vidiot

    It is such a surprise that Fox News is giving this coverage to this bullshit?

  • Phizzy

    Oh boy, if were to really go down this route of pandering to the "Offended Class" we would not even be able to open our mouths to burp, actually that does offend many people, although an old Uncle of mine who suffered with the wind, (a family trait, proudly continued by me and my offspring), used to belch loudly and then say:

    "It's manners in Arabia".

    So, you poor little wimp, you are offended by Evolution, Haloween, or Birthdays, are you ? TOUGH ! Grow up, nobody dies because they get offended, just go home and get over it, we in the real world will carry on as we bloody well like, and bloody well like the way we carry on !

  • adamah

    That's a PERFECT example of typical Faux News headline hyperbole (and trolling for page views): for one, it's not a "ban", as if the government is trying to outlaw the use of words amongst the citizens/residents. It's only a suggestion made to government employees to consider the possibly-offensive nature of the words they use in official government documents; somehow Faux turns that into a "ban"?

    Consider the source of what you read, peepol; don't be a sheepol who lets yourself get played by the blatent manipulators. (Note how Faux quotes the New York Post: yellow journalists are citing yellow journalists? Shocking!)

    Fool you once (JWs), shame on you. Fool you twice?


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