Off to tell the family...

by Gypsy Sam 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Giordano

    I like the fact that you are using the Pedophile issue which is documented and you can't in good faith go out in service until the WTBTS changes it's polices and becomes more responsible and law abiding. It's they who have stumbled you.

    Here are some sites (sorry they are not click on ready my windows 7 doesn't want to cooperate.

    There's a youtube we were discussing a day or two ago which interviewed a JW attorney and elder(?)about a pedophile case he was working on and the guy was clueless.

    Also this the other day:

    And this:

    These are recent and reported by responsible sources.

    Good luck and let us know how it went. GIO

  • Sammy Jenkis
    Sammy Jenkis

    All the best Gypsy Sam, keep your cool no matter how defensive they get.

  • snare&racket

    May I humbly suggest that when they say "we are just following the bible" you then add... But Jesus broke laws punishable by death in order to heal people, to cure people, he broke laws punishable by death because he was hungry. Not to mention, where else but in child abuse cases does the 2 witness rule get used in any religion and even in Watchtower? HOW DOES THAT SCRIPTURE PREVENT THEM CONTACTING POLICE? Its a criminal act not a spiritual one! If a brother was accused of murder, rape etc would the 2 witness rule prevent the from telling police? Its s terrible lie that they just accept!

    If they still don't get it, maybe mention the conti case and the 30 million dollar settlement and ask what will happen to everyone that rejects the JW's message because of hearing that and knowing the paedophile scandal within the JW's. what happens to those people at Armageddon? Do they get a pass? By their fruits you will know them, the google news impression of Watchtower to the average person is..... (In order of prevelance) ... A religion always selling property worth lots of money, a religion settling child a use cases all over the world and a religion that has got into trouble over ex members (mentally diseased) and extreme religious views (Russia).... This is the impression people have.

    Good luck, be brave and we are all behind you bro ;) x

  • leavingwt

    Don't do it.

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Just a quick update. Vacation was awesome! Spent time all around New England and the weather was perfect.

    Things did not go as planned with my family. No matter what I tried to bring up they would not respond to any JW comments. This was perplexing as I was expecting to be scolded and reprimanded for not setting a better example in "the truth", for my teenager. I live far away from my parents and only told two people about what I was finding out about TTATT last winter. One is my best friend, who is also now completely out of JW. The other is acquaintance of my parents, who was visiting where I live. I likely said a bit too much, as I didn't know about this site yet and hadn't read Steve Hassan's books or learned to ask more questions instead of telling. So, I'm guessing he said something to my parents as they acted odd and when I unexpectedly ran into this brother, while up visiting his hometown (near my family), he acted so guilty and uncomfortable to see me. Now, we've had long, serious talks over coffee and walking the beach. He feels "the truth" saved him 20+ years ago from a messed up childhood that led to drugs and anxiety issues. He would never have normally acted like that to me.

    So, I'm guessing my parents are in denial and going to pretend my daughter and I are active or at least not doing anything that requires shunning. not quite what I'd like, as I want it to be clear why we left and not leave room for saying we were offended, stumbled, worldly etc. They sure made "to thyne own self be true" difficult. Thanks for the advice and input.

  • adamah

    Gypsy said-

    So, I'm guessing my parents are in denial and going to pretend my daughter and I are active or at least not doing anything that requires shunning. not quite what I'd like, as I want it to be clear why we left and not leave room for saying we were offended, stumbled, worldly etc. They sure made "to thyne own self be true" difficult. Thanks for the advice and input.

    Not a bad outcome, since you aired your concerns, and if they want to remain in denial to ameliorate the need to shun you, so much the better. You took your stand, and while it would be nice to get them to see the harm they're only doing to themselves by staying in, you've tried your best, and the lines of communication remain open (hope springs eternal that the seeds you spread on the trip will soon appear as tiny shoots).


  • JakeM2012

    Gypsy Sam, interesting update, thank you. I wouldn't rock the boat, sometimes family will just bury in the sand as they might be having doubts also. With some witnesses, just the fact that we are 4 months away from 2014 is too much to talk about.

  • problemaddict

    Actually bud, that is a pretty great outcome. maybe not very satisfying....but they don't want to LOSE you.

    I think you have a green light here, especially now that you have learned to tone it down. Good for you.

  • Crazyguy

    I SHOWED my wife luke 21;8 and told her all about how the religion denies us the messiah. All was good in a few hours as if nothing happened. I think when people have been brainwashed like your parents they just compartmentalize things away and all is well.

  • ABibleStudent


    Hi Gypsy Sam, You were true to yourself, you planted a few seeds of doubts, and your parents are not shunning you. That is a good outcome.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


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