Traffic stats for JW-n

by Terry 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    Alexa Traffic Ranks

    How is this site ranked relative to other sites?

    Rank in United States United States Flag47,732

    How engaged are visitors to

    Bounce Rate 30.10% 25.00%
    Daily Pageviews per Visitor 7.20 23.00%
    Daily Time on Site 11:1 4 4.00%

    Who visits

    Audience Geography

    Where are this site's visitors located?

    Visitors by Country
    CountryPercent of VisitorsRank in Country
    United States Flag United States52.3%47,732
    India Flag India8.8%205,036
    United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom7.6%59,517
    Romania Flag Romania7.3%12,414

    Where do's visitors come from?

    Search Traffic

    What percentage of visits to this site come from a search engine?

    Search Visits
    22.60% 7.00%
    Top Keywords from Search Engines

    Which search keywords send traffic to this site?

    KeywordPercent of Search Traffic
    1. history of devil on youtube3.13%
    2. jw net2.25%
    3. jw.org1.94%
    4. become jehovah's friend1.52%
    5. jehovah's witness discussion1.34%
    Subscribe to Alexa Pro to view all keyword data. View More
    Upstream Sites

    Which sites did people visit immediately before this site?

    SitePercent of Unique Visits
    1. google.com22.4%
    3. bing.com3.2%
    4. yahoo.com2.6%
    5. amazon.com2.1%
  • Londo111

    Wow...more traffic from India than the UK!

  • AudeSapere

    That India stat surprised me, too.

    I wonder if there maybe people are linking *thru* something in India while actually sitting in a different location that is not India. ???

  • Truth seeker 674
    Truth seeker 674

    I wouldnt trust these stats with proxy servers and people trying to remain annonymous

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    My wife's real estate website gets hundreds of monthly hits from Romania as well (according to the monthly traffic report she prints out)... But I seriously doubt that anyone in Romania is looking at her site... just saying.

  • snare&racket

    I looked at and was befuddled at a major search term taking people to the witness website...

    "njia za kuacha kupiga punyeto"

    I suggest you google translate it lol......

  • laverite

    India? They do have a very large population. I'd have thought UK traffic would exceed India's.

  • OneEyedJack

    Yes, I would not 100% trust stats on where visits are coming from. I use a proxy server, not because I have much to hide, but it is supposedly more secure, so i might as well and it doesnt slow anything down.

  • slimboyfat

    India must be wrong. Makes you wonder if the rest of the data is correct.

  • darthfader

    India is likely driven by robots..

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