Man, my head hurts...

by siegswife 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • siegswife

    Discussing the Wachtower with an active drone is worse than the morning after drinking a bottle of tequilla. It's worse than banging your head against a steel wall. It's a freaking effort in futility. Arrrggggggggg! Was I really like that at one time?


  • Joyzabel

    *handing Siegswife a pillow to rest her head on*


    ps, when you were in Allentown, did you know the Freemans?

  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond

    I just got my hair done by a JW beautician (don't ask me why). All she talked about is how bad the rest of her family that is out of the truth doing...and how Satan has his hold on them, and how we're so close to the end of this system. She sounded very much like a robot with a recorded message...kind of like when someone has been brainwashed! I asked myself the same question...did I sound like that? I don't think I'll be going to her again.

  • forgetmenot

    My grandma is "Jehovah" this and "service" that. If she was younger (and not my grandma), I'd tell her to get a life!

  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond


    I know what you mean....this lady is about my age (35), and she admitted to me that that's her, go to meetings, service...and that's it. She sounds very lonely, if you ask me (and bored!). She really does need to get a life!!

  • Hyghlandyr

    Ya know, JWs probably think all the stuff yall said about them, about me. I usually dont give them much of a chance to speak as I spout this or that theory of mine. Ah, the memories.....

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