How many Americans are royalists

by barry 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • barry

    I'm a royalist myself I believe that there is merit in haveing a non political head of state and regardless of our political differences we can be united as one country. We have continuity 'the king is dead long live the king ' [or queen].

    I am intrigued by our American friends still haveing some interest in our head of state and the royal family.

    Is it celebrity status? Do Americans regret not being part of the commonwealth? Are the royals in America just mainly interest for womens magazines.

    If there are enough royals over there maybe you should have a referendum to change the constitution. You would then have to learn to play cricket instead of baseball.

  • sarahsmile

    Some US people believe that there is going to be an earthly king on earth when Jesus arrives. He needs to be in the line of David. The king of England might be the last King standing. He might be from the line of David.

    We do have a love for the King of England and the new future King.

    But, no I like Americans better than paying royal England families. LOL

  • laverite

    I admitted to my (closeted) royalist leanings on this thread:

    *hangs head in shame*

  • free2beme

    That is so lame! If you want a king or queen, move to UK.... or listen to boy George. LOL

  • barry

    Larerite I didn't know you are an American. You Americans do speak the queens english so we are half way there and all we need to do is to make Obama the Governer General and we are nearly there. Thats if her majesty is willing and able to accept you back. Heads may role but it would be worth it and Elizabeths great grandfather would be vindicated

    Does Hawaii still have the Union Jack in their flag?

  • free2beme

    The queens great grandfather would not appoint Obama as the Governor General, in his time ... Obama would have had a slightly more servant role. If you get what I am saying from the 'times kind of changed' idea.

  • mP


    You are completely unfair.

    The Q GGF was the one who made the end of slavery possible. Im not saying he was a saint, but only one person had the power to end slavery and the British did just that. You need to check your history books.

  • mP


    Americans do have a monarch, they just call them Presidents.

  • mP


    But, no I like Americans better than paying royal England families. LOL


    Nobody pays for the Royal Family. They pay their own way.

    They pay more tax in the UK than just about anybody else and for that in return they receive an allowance. Its ac omplicated system but lets be fair.

  • Hortensia

    Many Americans are just crazy about celebrities. The royal family are just more celebrities. It's just a fascination with the famous -- notice that Duchess Catherine and Kim Kardashian were pictured together in the gossip news all the time.

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