
by gloria 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • gloria

    Hi everyone. I'm not sure I'm putting this in the right place. I'm even a little hesitant to do this but I have finally decided to try, for a while at least. A lot of the comments that I have read seem somewhat harsh toward the Witnesses. Of course I must admit that I don't understand a goodly portion of what is said on here at all. I'm sure it's because all of you have been here for a time and know what you are talking about.
    I know what we, as Jehovah's Witnesses have been told about coming to such places on the internet but I just had to. I would like to know if there is anyone else here that is still going to the meetings and going out in service or if everyone here has just abandoned the truth.

  • Seven

    Hello gloria! Welcome to the board and nice to meet you. Newbies are always welcome here.Read the Add emotions to your message and Use Forum Code in your message, highlighted in blue at the bottom of the space where you type your message. This will add to your submission and make quoting other posters much easier. Enjoy your stay.


  • logical

    Hi, I still go to meetings. Start the Creator book tonight. I dont go out in service. for the simple reason I totally REFUSE to teach LIES in Jehovah's name.

    This forum has turned into a bit of a hole lately, but soon enough it will settle back down into being a nice place.

    Read the posts by MDS, Jr, bjc and myself. Im sure you will find a lot of eye-opening information.


    >>> http://www.geocities.com/logical_7/index.html

  • ChuckD

    I guess that depends on whether you are talikg about abandoing "The Truth" (tm) as the WBTS defines it, or the real truth about life. I have long since ceased any connection with the society, but I am a lot more comfortable with the truth about my place in the world.

  • gloria


  • gloria

    I guess I'm not very good at this posting thing. Thank you, Sevenofnine but I'm afraid that you've lost me.
    To Logical,
    Why would you want to go to the meetings if you feel that Jehovah's Witnesses are spreading lies? I haven't had a lot of time to read all the things that are on this board yet. Perhaps later today.
    To Chuck,
    I meant what we as Jehovah's Witnesses call the truth. What other truth have you found?

  • mommy

    Hello Gloria and welcome:)
    This is a discussion board full of different people, personalities, and diffrent walks of life, with one main tie. We have all been touched by the JW's. Thank you for stopping in and you may want to take the afternoon off to read all the posts. Please don't be discouraged if you read something you don't like, just realize this is open and people come in and out all the time.
    So get a cup of coffee and ENJOY:)

  • gloria

    Thank you, Wendy. You seem like a very friendly person.

  • eyes_opened

    Hello Gloria!

    Welcome. There are all kind of folk here, with differing viewpoints of the world, of God and the universe. All in all a great group of people to be around. Hope you enjoy being here as much as I do


    "One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth"

  • Frenchy

    Welcome aboard, Gloria. I hope you stick around before passing judment on this site and the posters. It's true you will find some anger and bitterness but that is because of the great pain that some of our members are feeling. I hope that you can understand that. There is also a lot of warmth and love that is expressed here as well.
    Look at the bottome of the 'box' where you type in your posts and you will see two messages in BLUE text. Click on them when you have time and read the directions and feel free to use that when you feel comfortable to do so. That's what Seven was telling you earlier.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

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