Dog attack victim recovering, back to Jehovah's Witness ministry work ahead of upcoming convention

by Watchtower-Free 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Laika

    I'm pleased she's getting better. Must have been terrifying forcing herself back out on the service after an attack like that, she is very brave.

  • designs

    I got mauled once in the ministry, ER, shots, not fun

  • prologos

    gluttons for punishment

    Had a 10 min conversation aka 5 scripture sermon, with me holding the bible and a german sheppard having locked teeth on my wrist.

    may be he wanted that spiritual food, the MEAT we dished out in those days.

    It is not the perils that should keep us from preaching,

    it is the messy message.

  • Watchtower-Free

    How can they say

    "And I believe Jehovah had a hand in it," he said.

    "We believe angels accompany us in ministry."

    Delusion at its deepest level

  • designs

    Angels really don't like Rottweillers.

  • prologos

    it is not the canines capacity to cleave cartiledge

    that should keep these ladies and anyone from going

    Door to Door but the

    doggone, often doctored doctrine & DOG MA.

    a lot of pit BULL.

    heal ladies and dont try that again.

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry
    The two women have been in contact with Mike Harrell, the man who shot the dog. "He's very polite and humble," said Mike Elliott, Parker's son-in-law. Harrell saved Wright's life, and Wright saved Parker's life, Elliott said. "And I believe Jehovah had a hand in it," he said. "We believe angels accompany us in ministry."

    The WTBTS does a real brainf@*k on these people - by having them believe Jehovah was "really good toward them".

    . . . just perusing:

    *** Jehovah Cares for You ***
    Are you convinced of Jehovah’s saving power? Are you aware of his angelic protection? Have you personally tasted and seen that Jehovah is good? When was the last time that you were particularly conscious that Jehovah had been good to you? Try to recall. Was it at that last home you visited in the ministry, just as you were feeling you could do no more?

    w02 10/15 pp. 17-18 par. 16

    *** How Angels Can Help You ***
    Do angels care for people and protect them? The apostle Paul asked: “Are they [angels] not all spirits for public service, sent forth to minister for those who are going to inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14) Clearly, the answer to Paul’s question is yes.

    w98 11/15 p. 6

  • Adventurousone

    Hello Watchtowerfree:

    I was sorry to hear about the dog attack on those sisters. But what is more up setting is the WTBS is not paying for their injuries. They have a Bank set up for help from warm hearted people donating. It goes to show you how cold they really are. Not only that but they let an older feeble brother go from the WTBS who worked there for years to be booted out on his own and is trying to make ends meat, IS DOWN RIGHT COLD. They don't have a HEART so why would they pay for those sisters injuries. They were only doing what they were told to do by the WTBS. So why shouldn't they expect them to pay for their injuries, WHY BECAUSE IT"S THE RIGHT THING TO DO but they won't do it. So who really wants to work for them I can tell you for sure it's not me.



    I was out in the FS when.. How long before you Get off Your Ass

    I was attacked by a Dog and WatchTarded Angels.. And..

    Watched it rip my eye lid off.. Get Back to Work?!!..

    .............................. photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I was mocked and put down so many times because I was afraid of dogs in service. I have been told I did not have enough faith in Jehovah, that I was allowing my fear to stand in the way of helping people get life,etc, you name it I have been told it. One time I was with a group of sisters and I knew this home had a really bad dog there I was told by the sister driving the car she would not move the car until I got out and took my turn at the door and being the dog was not out that day it was clear that I was just did not want to go to the door. I finally got out of the car and was walking toward the house when the dog came out from behind the home I barley made it back to the car with all the women I hate calling them sisters laughing their heads off at me for running back.

    I have been bitten six or seven times once my husband even told me that Jehovah allowed me to be bitten so the home owner would listen. It is truly a insane religion.


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