New Rumor - Watchtower and Awake in one magazine only?

by TJ Curioso 43 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bella15

    @ Calebs Airplane

    You cracked me up with this: They use the word "Nested" because "Inserted" sounds too sexual and worldly.

  • erbie

    Just think though, all that wholesome goodness rolled into one!


  • Vidiot
    frankiespeakin - " ...fold and arange in magazine form for field service..."

    I'll bet if they said an opening prayer, the folding and arranging could be counted as service time.

  • frankiespeakin


    I'm thinkin the same thing folding and printing your own should be counted as FS time, the GB might be nore generous and allow it. All depends on how grumpy these old timers get I suppose.

  • steve2

    Slipping one magazine in the other and counting the subsequent single placement as 2. Wow - productivity's doubled! Jah speeds things up in this time of the end!

    If the magazines get any shorter, smaller, lighter, a critical move will be to no longer count placement of magazines, but instead, placement of numbers of pages?

    You heard it here first. No one has ever accused the Watchtower Society of a shortage of manipulative creativity.

  • Vidiot
    frankiespeakin - "...the GB might be more generous and allow it. All depends on how grumpy these old timers get I suppose."

    Honestly, I don't think generosity or grumpiness would be factors. As long as the time was counted and reported, why would they care?

    After all, we've all read about how often publishers and pioneers pad their hours. You think the GB doesn't know? Yet how many "special needs" talks have you heard about filling out honest service reports?

  • frankiespeakin


    Yup, it would look good on paper and that's what really matter to these over the hill dinosaurs.

  • Vidiot

    Just FYI; dinosaurs were ginormously successful creatures who dominated the planet for 250 million years.

    There's no comparison, buddy (just sayin').

  • NeverKnew
    This will let individuals use current technology to spread the word "secretly".

    Maybe they can push to do it "invisibly."

  • HarryMac

    Wow I left too early... the magazines penetrate each other?

    Actually, they're right to be concerned... getting horny now... am I... alone?

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