Depression & natural ways to deal with it

by love2Bworldly 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    What helps me is accomplishing things. I can look back at whatever i completed w a feeling of satisfaction. Meditation helps, too. I would be worse, without it.


  • UnConfused

    Honestly, I don't know, but I'm rooting for you.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I had a close friend with bipolar who went natural.It made sense to me. The person had impressive research. It was not long before he was tackled by cops and put in a strait jkt. Maybe it works w. depression but not other disorders.The govt telling people how to. medicate is scary. I don't see any answer.

  • jgnat

    First of all, do you have a solid diagnosis that you are bipolar? If so, there are a limited number of medications that will help. And yes, like diabetes, this is a lifetime illness that will require a lifetime of monitoring and medication.

    Both disorders, bipolar and diabetes, are an imbalance in the system. Medication replaces those specific chemicals the body is failing to produce themselves. Natural remedies might help, but they cannot cure. For instance, a diabetic is much healthier if they lose weight and monitor their food intake carefully. A bipolar can undertake a few activities (like sleeping enough) for limited improvement.

    Lithium is a miracle element that has emptied institutions of bipolar patients. Levels have to be carefully monitored however. There are a few other drugs that also work, but all have their own side effects. One drug my mom was on made her stable (which I am grateful for) but she virtually lost her ability to speak.

    After watching my mother, I've resolved that the first thing I would do is find a doctor I trust implicitly. It also helps to have a few trusted friends who will tell me if I am off track. I would diarize my moods to help me notice if I am heading for a manic phase. I would take my medication religiously. The difficulty with this disease is that the beginnings of the manic phase are a real rush. You are energized, happy. This is when it is tempting to go off all drugs and enjoy the ride. It's the chaos that comes after, and the devastating crash that I would never want to repeat. So I'd monitor, trust my network of friends, and increase medication when necessary.

    Having been raised by a bi-polar mother, I have become a disciple of stability and order. Consider it a blessing that we live in an age where bi-polar or diabetes are no longer death sentences. We are not condemned to a miserable life with an untimely end.

    My maternal grandmother, by the way, was only in her thirties when she committed suicide in an asylum. I understand that she was a bright spark of a woman, taken from us far too early. The devastating illness passed on to her daughter, is now treatable.

  • caliber

    It is known that deficiencies of certain nutrients can cause anxiety, so begin by improving your diet. Those nutrients are: Vitamins B1, B3, B6, B12, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, omega-3-fatty acids, such as fish or flax seed oil, & certain amino acids, such as L-tryptophan, taurine, GABA. Too much calcium can also cause anxiety.

    First, clean up your diet. With your diet improvement you may want to add a good multivitamin mineral, an extra B complex, & an omega-3-fatty acid to basically cover most of the above listed nutrients.
    You would then only add extra items if all of the above failed to make a difference after 2 weeks. My first choice would be extra magnesium & the next choice would be taurine.

    Taurine is an amino acid which plays a major role in the brain as an "inhibitory" neurotransmitter & neuromodulator. It is similiar in structure to the amino acids GABA & L-Glycine, which are also neuroinhibitory. This means it helps to calm or stabilize an excited brain.
    Taurine acts by regulating the sodium & potassium concentration in the cells & the magnesium level between the cells. This has everything to do with the electrical activity of the cells & subsequent communication between cells.

    The top five health benefits of magnesium are:
    1. Magnesium may reverse osteoporosis .
    2. Magnesium prevents cardiovascular diseases
    3. Magnesium regulates high blood pressure (Hypertension)
    4. Magnesium treats diabetes .
    5. Magnesium treats migraines, insomnia, and depression

    Do You Have Anxiety, Depression, or Both?

    It's actually very common to suffer from both anxiety and depression at the same time, especially if you have severe anxiety or panic disorder. Often the anxiety comes first, and the impact that anxiety has on your life ends up leading to the development of depression and depressive symptoms.

    Both anxiety and depression are related to the same neurotransmitters as well, which is one of the reasons they have similar thoughts (since neurotransmitters affect thinking and perception).

    Those under 18 or over 38 who suddenly develop anxiety which disrupts their normal activity may have one of the medical illnesses which can include anxiety & should have appropriate medical evaluation.

  • Adventurousone


    I don't have bipolar, but I have gone through depression. It was so bad that my husband wanted me to talk to a therapist. I told him

    it wasn't in my head I felt like it was physical. Well we changed our diet by eating real healthy. And boy what a change for the better.

    I got off sugar and used stevia instead. Got off white flour which isn't good for you anyways. And I switched to brown rice instead of

    white rice. What a difference in how you feel. We eat more fruits and vegetables now. Since I tend to lean towards depression someone

    told me I needed more B vitamins and that helped out alot. And of course what helped the most was my leaving the organization because

    now I don't live the lie anymore. Thank goodness. My husband and I send our love your way and hope you find a solution.


  • fiddler

    I'm with HBH......Kratom!

    I would add that exercise and good diet work hand in hand but the Kratom definitely takes the edge off anxiety on bad days.

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    I have the same problem...Prozac no longer worked for me. It's alright to search for natural remedies, and what you're doing will certianly help, However, I have found that I really need to take meds for the chemical imbalance. For me, exercise, proper diet, and good habits just weren't enough. But I am sure that some people would be okay. Everyone is different, so you might want to get a second opinion or try something else. My meds were switched to something that suits me much better.

    Good Luck,


    PS - I PM'd you.

  • Xanthippe

    For low mood only I have recently tried St John's Wort in tablet form and I was most surprised to find it worked. Can't tell if you're bipolar or not from what you wrote so just saying what worked for me- I have had depression in the past but this time I was just mildly low from exhaustion and a death in the family, not sure if it is for you.

  • gcs7000


    L-Tryptophan is a natural amino acid that works wonders in combatting depression. Try taking one 500 mg L-Tryptophan capsule on an empty stomach once a day. I, too, took Prozac for several years. L-Tryptophan works much, much better, it's cheaper, and there are no side effects!

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