Protecting Children From Sex

by LucidSky 22 Replies latest social relationships

  • LucidSky

    With controversy surrounding a soon-to-be-published book entitled Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children From Sex (, it is apparent that attitudes may indeed be changing in our society in regard to sex among youths. Instead of being totally avoided, they may be given encouragement to practice sex (obviously within safe limits) with other youths or even adults. Some cultures already encourage something like this.

    Socially, it seemed that boys were given subtle encouragement to "score", while girls were always viewed as the innocent victims to be protected from such lustful young men. Well, times have changed for the sexually liberated modern woman too. With the exception of being the butt of certain jokes, she is less likely to be viewed as any more promiscuous than a man who sleeps around.

    So the question is, would you ever be able to consider encouraging your child to have safe sex? Why or why not?

  • Elsewhere

    Since I have never had any children, it would be hard for me to answer that. You know what they say... you never know what you will really do until you are in the situation.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • spender

    No...and I think there's some polls out there that show that a majority of teens right now say that they won't allow their children to do the same things that they themselves are doing. I know from experience it's very easy for things to get out of hand...and one mistake can ruin the rest of your life. Better safe than sorry.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    This wreaks of "NAMBLA" type propaganda designed to lunge innocent unsuspecting and unprepared individuals into social degeneration.

    Don't we have enough diseases spreading around yet? Who benefits by increased pregnancies? Who will support the cost of population explosions?

    I would rather start neutering humans before I would promote sexual activity at earlier stages.

  • Elsewhere

    People say that only mature adults should have sex. When asked why, they usually respond saying that they are more mature and experienced than a child. Because of this they know how to help prevent problems associated with sex.

    My question is, how can a person become "mature and experienced" regarding sex without having sex?

    I know that I wasn't "mature and experienced" until after I started having sex.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • SixofNine

    I saw an article on that book and almost posted it.

    I don't have a clue whether or not I agree with the ideas in that book, but I do know that what people have been attempting in America and the cultures that spawned America for the past millenia, is NOT WORKING.

    So radical ideas about sex get my serious consideration. Realistic ideas about sex get my serious consideration.

    I'm becoming more and more convinced that the VAST majority of sex crimes happen as a direct result of repressive ideas about sex.

    The answer to a problem originating with repressive ideas, is NOT more repression.

    In the case of my own daughter, I can say that confidently that she will be better off in the sex department than I was, being raised in the sexually confusing atmosphere of a bible believing family. A bible believing family with the added burden of being JW's.

    I think it is very cool that she will not spend one bit of mental and emotional energy feeling guilty about masturbation.

    She will know all about where babies come from, and how to prevent them.

    She will know (as if any parent can effectively lie about this, although it would seem that most try too) that sex, while it is for reproduction, is also very, very fun. It feels great. Her own body will tell her that, so who are parents to lie against nature?

    She will also know that it is a primary way that couples bond, and when practised outside of a couple, peoples' feelings can sometimes get hurt. This one might be harder to explain, but I really think nature teaches the same, so she'll understand.

    She WON'T think that just because someone wants to have sex with you, they value you correctly.

    I'll try to show her some reasons to delay gratification until she's older, but if she chooses not too, I really hope that said sexual gratification is her sole reason. Not any of the many other reasons that teenagers combine to have, or give themselves permission to have, sex.

    If, heaven forbid, she is ever sexually assaulted, I think she will have a much better parental relationship to turn to for support; a better attitude framework to heal from.

    I like the title of the book, whether or not the content is helpful. The title brings up an important point. A society that allows children to watch MTV, but then tells them that sex is bad and not to be practised till ????(you insert magical 'its ok' age) is a society of, in a word, MORONS.

    You cans substitute "james bond movies" for "MTV" if you like, the moronicity of society remains the same.

  • LucidSky

    Six, just wanted to say, great post! I think your progressive (and insightful) ideas are on track.

    Q to Vijay:

    You must be joking. 007 on an island populated exclusively by women. We won't see him til dawn.
  • TR

    Ditto what UR said. What a dumb ass thing to do. Encourage people who have no experience in life and who aren't ready to support a family, to have sex. DUMB DUMB DUMB!


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • TR


    My question is, how can a person become "mature and experienced" regarding sex without having sex?
    Wouldn't you agree that generally speaking, a 30 year old virgin would have developed more common sense than a 13 year old virgin? Having sex has nothing to do with it. Having developed a sense of responsibility and some common sense has every thing to do with it. I dare say that a 13 year old kid has very little of either. You don't have to experience sex to know what the down side is.


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • LucidSky

    TR, that is a perfectly valid point about unwanted pregnancy. Even though such a thing could happen any particular time in your life, it would be most devastating for a child. Probably the best thing to do would be to teach them about safe sex, while not particularly giving encouragement to go out and use it right away!

    In that light then here's another hypothetical question: If one day birth control is perfected to the point where you can choose whether or not you want a child, how would that affect your views on sex?

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