Letter to the local paper...again.

by tresdecu 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • ldrnomo

    I hope it get's past their mind numbed, newspaper media brains. Though maybe they know that nobody really cares and they're just filling paper with ink because hardly anyone reads the newspaper anymore. For that matter, hardly anyone cares about the Jehovah's Witnesses nor are they interested in what they are doing for their weekend summer vacation.

  • zound
  • tresdecu

    Here's is a follow up email I sent today...it's a link regarding a Parking scandal that happened out west in Seattle area. I have relative there and have been to some DCs at a place called the Tacoma Dome.

    ------------------------ email below ----------------------------------

    Sorry to bother you again. There is another link that I wanted to include, but forgot. It is an article that was in the Tacoma Reporter (Tacoma, Wa) about 10 years ago regarding a dishonest practice by the Watchtower. A JW Convention overseer was eventually disfellowshipped (the action that results in shunning) because he did not agree with the dishonesty that was going on. I think you would find it interesting. It links directly to an image of the Tacoma Reporter article. http://www.watchtowernews.org/tacomapark.htm Thanks again for your time! ----------------------------- end ---------------------------------------------------------- ldnomo...sadly you are right, I'm sure not many people care about the paper, let alone the religion section, and further down the line, the JDubs. I think doing this is more theraputic for me than anything.

  • tresdecu

    Zound...Nice Job!

  • tresdecu

    Zound, Oops try posting again....your link didn't work.

  • steve2

    Sometimers local newspapers do not want to upset anyone so stick to rather bland news. It is trickier for a journalist to cover (potentially) complex topics that are controversial in nature: It requires more time, investigation and risk (e.g., offending readers and/or advertisers who might buy into the witnesses being lovely, law-abiding citizens,etc). Sometimes, it is not so much the journalists who back away from interesting stories but their editors.

    In a town I lived in a few years ago, one of the part time photographers on the staff of a local paper was a JW. Guess what sorts of stories they ran about JWs and their conventions?

  • RayPublisher

    Same experience with me as Steve2. The local paper had a columnist that was a very outspoken, in your face JW with a small following that loved her column. She would not stand for "negative press" and the local writers were mostly copy and paste people anyway.

    When they built a local Kingdom Hall or whatever, only a boilerplate puff piece ever was printed.

  • sooner7nc

    Good Job! Keep on keepin' on.

  • tresdecu

    Well, as to be expected...The "paper"printed the same lame ass article about this years DC. I sent this reply and will just keep trying. Can't hurt and it's a fun way to waste 20 min, ;-)



    I'm a little disappointed with the article about the Watchtower convention...It's been the same cut and paste article for years. I realize you are doing your jobs as expected and probably don't want to stir anything up with a religious corporation that brings in thousands of dollars to the local economy. It's a lot easier to write the article that appears every year. I get that.

    I sincerely hope that someday you would print something a little "controversial" that is truth and relevant news about a religious organization that basically says that they alone have THE Truth, and anyone not part of their organization will absolutely be destroyed...including you, your children, and everyone that you love that is not a JW. This is their actual doctrine, that is why they pass out these invitations...in order to get you there, start a bible study with you, baptize you (eventually after a 6 mo-1 year process) and ultimately save YOUR life!!

    They water down their public message so much...and you as a news paper pass this on as 'a group of nicely dressed bible students trying to encourage home bible study and living by bible principles'. They do a great job of hiding the "oh yeah, if you're not a baptized member, Jehovah will annihilate you at Armageddon" Please, please do an investigatory article one of these days. I ask this with all due respect, realizing as I mentioned, that their are internal politics involved in the news business that may hinder writing such an article. Thanks again for your time. Mr. Tresdecu -----------------------------------------------------------------------

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