Why I don,t believe in reincarnation.

by jam 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • jam

    IT,s simple, I can not remember crap from my previous life.

    The wife told me today if you come back in the next life, please

    take some science classes.

    If I could remember a small percentage of my life today, just a little

    bit, man would it make a difference.

    In school I would be 100% nerd, geek, book worm. I wouldn,t date or

    seriously date until I finish college. I would have no less then

    six kids, so by the time I,m old I have a good chance that one

    of the six will be around to help. One thing I would do(before marraige)

    is travel.

    But that,s the problem with reincarnation, you don,t remember anything

    so what,s the point.

    It would be weird to have knowledge of your previous life. I see

    my ex-wife (high school) and run like hell.

  • jam

    I just realize , no chance of meeting my ex-wife but anyone

    with her characteristic then I would run like hell, LOL.

  • Satanus

    I'm not certain that there is reincarnation. But anyway, if there is, the idea is development, evolution or growth of the spirit through experience. That means, its not about accumulating knowledge. It is said by some that souls reincarnate in groups. So, your wife, kids, parents, aunts, uncles, whoever could come back in a group, maybe playing different parts, in order to experience things and evolve as a result. Group reincarnation could work w animals, too, since many of them like being in groups; picture hundreds of fish in a school, or a herd of thousands of wildebeasts. Just saying, for the sake of discussion.


  • Satanus

    Very few people do remember previous lives. Its not an issue for me, cuz theres lots of things that i don't remember: conception, birth, the first few yrs of life.


  • frankiespeakin

    While there is not enough proof to prove reincarnation I don't disbeleive it and I don't beleive it as well.

    The terms you, me, and it, are all mental constructs. Basically something in the human psyche keeps up feeling like a me, exactly what happens in the brain to form the idea/feeling is a up for debate.

    Maybe in this universe there is some type of downloading of memories and reinstalling them into another similar life form who knows.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    If reincarnation was for real, don't you think you would remember the difference between an apostrophe (') and a comma (,)?

    I did.

  • villagegirl

    Well nothing is every destroyed, it only takes on a different form,

    that is basic physics. So all energy is recycleded, is thought energy ?

    Your atoms remain if you live or die, they change form and are recycled

    all religion says is that your personal self or soul returns in

    some form to God, or in the case of the idea of eternal life on earth,

    some altered state of physical being that does not decay with time,

    not biblical or scientific.

  • prologos

    we know that there is no previous life because even perfect humans can not remember it.

    Jesus could not get the creation, the flood and any of this stuff right, he had no accurate memory of what we have measured now.

    If he had a pre-human existence, he developed alzheimers early, for a perfect specimen. speciman.

  • MrFreeze

    I don't believe reincarnation is real, because if it was, when did it start?

  • Satanus

    As soon as there were bugs w sparks in them. Heck, animists think spirit is in everything, including rocks.


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