My response to any one who asks why I am fading

by Skinnedsheep 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • This_suit_doesnt_fit

    I understand the desire to make your case to them, BUT DONT DO IT!!!

    Whatever biblical argument you make, you will be seen as an apostate. Whatever emotion you show, you will be viewed as angry or troubled. Whatever personal reasons you give, you will be ignored and they will imagine a more JW-friendly explanation.

    You are not dealing with healthy minds & you will NOT be understood or given fair consideration.

    If you see a JW, just smile and keep walking. Say you are in a hurry & keep moving.

    If you must talk to them be kind, positive, and generally upbeat and get away from them ASAP. Be vague about stress, depression, exhaustion, illness, or whatever you choose. BUT DONT SHOW ANY EMOTION, it will be used against you.

    Dont worry about the contradiction in saying you are ill or depressed and acting positive & upbeat, they will not notice. They arent really paying any attention to you.

  • Retrovirus

    Welcome This_suit_doesnt_fit!

    Dont worry about the contradiction in saying you are ill or depressed and acting positive & upbeat, they will not notice. They arent really paying any attention to you

    That's a very good obersevation,and I look forward to more of your posts. Perhaps you could start a new topic and tell a bit about your circumstances?


  • steve2

    You would be guaranteed less reactive hostility if you flashed your genitals to a packed hall of Witnesses than if you uttered those words. Dial back your words several rounds and remove your underwear. Now take a few deep breaths and enter the Sunday Watchtower Study and start flashing. Report to me afterwards. I swear that display will be far, far better received than you daring to use reason and raise sensible questions.

  • steve2
  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    @skinnedsheep - I feel the same as you, I've been preparing what to say to anyone who starts to ask why I'm not responding to their concern, missing more meetings etc, for MONTHS now.

    I think all of those things you've said are spot on, BUT I'd only be willing to say these things to my wife and parents, or to VERY close friends and only after I've asked them if they REALLY want to know, and stipulate you're not trying to destroy anyone elses faith, but just that yours is faltering right now.

    If you vocalise any of these concerns to an elder you will become their immediate project for strengthening/upbuilding.

    Isn't it ridiculous that we have to play this game.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Go with non specifics if asked about your fall off of activity / zeal.

    Dont give them ammo to be used against you unless you dont care if you get DFd.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    my responce has really worked well...i dont talk religion and live my life. I had a friend run away from me in the supermarket and i am only a fader....but life goes on.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    All I used to say was "I'm just having a break.." nothing more, nothing less. It seemed to work every time, almost as if they totally understood and were jealous LOL.

  • designs

    Like the others have said the Elders are not your friends and not on your side even though your arguments are sound. 'New Light' just swept away 120 years of old light, that's the way it rolls in this organization.

  • fresh prince of ohio
    fresh prince of ohio

    if cornered by an elder...."can you prove to me from the scriptures that Matt. 24:45-47 applies to the 8 members of the Governing Body?"

    Look, they can prove it to themselves, and that's all that matters to them.

    There are times to take a principled stand and tell the truth, and there are times to lie like a rug. I don't know what your personal situation is, but if it would be very upsetting or devastating to you to get DF'd, then I'd suggest you go the latter route. There's no reason to feel like you HAVE TO BE TRUTHFUL with these WTS Gestapo insane clowns.

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