TWA flight 800....a cover up conspiracy I happen to believe...

by Glander 15 Replies latest social current

  • ?evrything

    Band on the run it is not the flight you ar thinking of. This happend in 1996

  • Glander

    After a heat seeking surface to air missile is fired on a target, intentionally or by accident, there is no stopping it. So the bootleg Stinger (there are thousands unnacounted for) or a Navy SNAFU could very simply, horribly, explain the tragedy.

  • Simon

    Definitely doesnt give you a warm cosy feeling about the powers that be.

    FBI executions, commercial airliners shot out of the sky ... that god we're not in Soviet Russia or Communist China eh?

  • JeffT

    Flight 800 was at 16,000 feet when it blew up. The maximum range of a Stinger is 3 miles. The plane might have been within maximum range, but just barely. Firing a Stinger missile from a small boat and hitting a target at max range would be hard to say the least. The ship that was supposedly involved was on the other side of the world.

    Get a grip people.

    PS, a number of you folks want the government running my retirement finances, my healthcare, my children's and grandchildren's education system, my food safety, my business practices, my transportation system, my utilities, my phone system, the internet, and God knows what else. Then you post messages that say you think this same government is killing random citizens for no reason that is apparent to a rational person. That's fine, but don't expect me to take you seriously on the first part of this paragraph.

  • metatron

    Given the Stinger limitations, that also points to a US Navy mistake (not a deliberate execution - but wait 'til the day comes to expose the Big Scam That Shall Not Be Named That Got Us Into War Everywhere)

    Totalitarian governments such as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union offered all sorts of wonderful sounding benefits - free education, pensions, medical care , guaranteed jobs and more.

    They also murdered anyone who proved inconvenient to their claims. We have given huge powers to the Federal government and then suddenly get surprized when our freedoms are lost? Really?


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    thanks for telling me I am wrong about the flight. I don't recall the details now. It is funny I vividly remember the one shortly after 9.11 and the Lockerbie, scotland incident. In my small world, I knew four different people who lost loved ones on the Lockerbie flight. The others are a blur.

    I am much better at 60s and Beatles history. Perhaps my brain cells were younger.

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