Faithfull Slave Teaching Leaves something out!

by DeWandelaar 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wasblind

    The religion of the Jehovah' Witnesses is an American made religion

    Which was started only 14 years after slavery ended

    It takes alot longer than 14 years to break a mind set that was over 2 centuries old

    EVIDENTLY , folks in the south were not the only ones who had this mindset

    What better way was there to control the masses that would grow

    than what was used by the southern slave masters

    The WTS copied the way of the old south, and applied the Bible later

    to justify it as a " religion "

    Here's an example : In the old south. The House slave

    Some often developed a strong loyalty and affection for their master

    especially if they were treated decent

    When ever the master had to leave his home, he trusted his loyal

    house slave to take care of the household as if it was his own.

    this is where the bible comes in to justify what the southern slave masters did

    " Bless is that servant whom his master will find him doin' so when he comes "

    Cuz if he didn't, that slave knew he would get his Whipped

    DeWandelaar. You are exactly right

    " A slave is never bigger than the master and never bigger than the household, he still remaind a slave "

    A good slave was a slave that had things in order when his master

    returned to the plantation


  • EndofMysteries

    You can read the complete version of the faithful slave parable at Luke 12:41-48. The society never mentions or quotes from it because it makes it painfully obvious that each slave is judged individually and it does not apply to a group. The slaves fall into one of 4 categories 1. Faithful and Discreet. 2. Evil 3. Those who know what they are supposed to do and willfully do not. 4. Those who do NOT know what they are supposed to do.

    It also goes well with the parable of giving the coins to the slaves, when the master returns, he gives one slave appointment of many cities, one over few cities, one gets nothing, etc.

  • Larsinger58

    When Christ returns at the secon coming, he does not use his original perfect body, which was given in sacrifice. Since he does not need to be born a perfect man, though, he simply uses the body of one of his servants, i.e. the prodigal son/Lazarus. That's why you see the prodigal son getting a private banquet and that's why you see Lazarus going to the bosom position of Abraham which is the messianic position. Christ is called the "only-begotten god in the bosom position of the father" at John 1:18.

    Anyway, the returned Christ in the body of the prodigal son is the "faithful slave" and the "evil slave" is the WTS. In the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, the Rich Man is the WTS' Governing Body and Lazarus is the returned Christ. So Jesus Christ himself is th eone who inherits all the belongings of the father, the "master." The WTS' Governing Body, in the end, becomes the "man of lawlessness" and the "evil slave."

    Christ, of course, is the FDS! That is, I'M the FDS!

  • villagegirl

    De wande laar - Its amazing when you finally stop the lock-step ,

    auto-bot thinking and actually THINK. Keep it up, next look at the

    scripture where Jesus says how to recognize his true brothers and sister,

    By their DEEDS , I was hungry and you fed me naked and you clothed me,

    Matthew 25:35 I would LOVE to hear your analysis and breakdown of this

    scripture - most people who read the Bible think its pretty simple and clear.

    Both the faithful and discreet slave reference and the I was hungry and you fed

    me seem to emphasize how we take care of each other, kindness, love and

    things like that. Thw WT perverts these scriptures to power structures with

    themselves at the top.

  • wasblind

    Y'all can discuss the bible all day long to try and figure out

    the WTS. You won't have any luck

    Why ?

    It is important for the WTS to twist the scriptures to fit what they want to practice

    People do it all the time. Ain't nothin' new

    Twist the scriptures to justify the things they do even if it's wrong

    When the fore fathers of this country drew up the constitution

    they wrote that " All men are created equal by God"

    This posed a problem for slave owners like Thomas Jefferson

    Keep in mind, that many of the founders of this country

    were slave owners themselves. who thrived on slavery

    Like the WTS , free labor was needed, to become more profitable

    Any where money is concerned, christians who were slave owners

    had to justify why enslavement was necessary. And they used the bible to excuse it

    As long as you throw God into the mix. The folks who founded

    this country could sleep much better

    The WTS is a publishin' Co. that need free labor. And now that slavery is outlawed

    the only way to get that free labor is under the guise of a religion

    So the next time you go out in field service, do it in song

    You gotta jump down turn around. Pick a bale o' cotton

    Jump down turn around . Pick a bale o' hay

    Jump down down turn around. Go up to a door step

    Jump down turn around. Pass a Mag-a- zine

    Trust, this ain't even funny. It's sad as heck

    Wake up folks

    Satan is an equal opportunist

    He's much wiser than the southern slave master

    he don't care who he enslaves




    I use the term " parablophecy " to describe the WTBTS's FDS/GB teaching. They call it a " parable with prophetic significance."

    Good catch. It's no wonder that the WTBTS claims that you cannot understand the Bible without them, and that they taught you the "truth." You would never come up with their ideas, unless you were trying to sell something...

  • DeWandelaar

    Hi Villagegirl,

    I think that it really means to actually take care of people... feeding them... helping them ... clothing them...

    It is an active situation. A lot of JW's are not actively involved with people since it will all be restored in paradise according to them...

    Besides... Jesus will judge everyone individually at the end.

    That is how I see it.

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