Making a Last Will and testament for ex JWs

by Simon 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • JeffT

    Making a will means that your estate will go through probate

    Not necessarily, and setting up a trust is not exactly cheap. Not doing anything can be a complete mess. See a lawyer in your state if you want real advice.

  • mamochan13

    Who will take care of your kids is a huge issue, and should be motivation enough for any parent to prepare a proper will. It's also a good idea to do a living will. I don't know what the JW take on euthanasia is, but I wouldn't want their twisted ideas dictating my existence if I was helpless.

    Also really important - make sure you make your funeral wishes very clear. I DO NOT want them doing one of their horrible stupid funerals. And they will if they get the chance.

    Edited to add: Michael Jackson is a great analogy, but I think he had a will. His kids are with his mother and dysfunctional family because he likely asked for it, thinking they'd be okay. My youngest brother left the religion very young, but he would have left his kids in the care of my mom and the religion because he never truly got rid of the indoctrination.

  • ABibleStudent

    JeffT - Not necessarily, and setting up a trust is not exactly cheap. Not doing anything can be a complete mess. See a lawyer in your state if you want real advice.

    Hi JeffT, When would a will not go through probate? According to the webpage How to Avoid Probate: Learn the most popular ways of avoiding probate, it seems that probate can be avoided when an estate is small enough to be less than a State's statutory limits in the USA. The webpage lists some ways to reduce the estate size going through probate.

    Since everyone's situation is different, I do agree with consulting professionals, but what questions would you recommend asking professionals to help someone make more informed decisions? I would like it if lawyers would present clients with a comparison of costs for a will and will & trust, and then the cost of the entire estate going through probate versus a smaller portion of the estate going through probate. I have heard how some lawyers view probate fees as an annuity for themselves, therefore is that a conflict of interest for lawyers?

    Peace be with you and eveyrone, who you love,


  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    I think my post was lost on this thread, quickly I will tell you I got rid of my Will and changed it to a "Living Trust" and it is clear I have removed anyone with JW affiliations from my property in case I die.

    Do you know how stupid I was, I had them taking everything if I died with all my kids in some strange accident. I have felt the wrath and hatred of the Witnesses, my anger was not at the Organization when I began to loose my faith. I saw so much wickedness covered up by the locals and Circuit Overseer. The Branch Elders I was in touch with seemed to care too much about protecting the Organization from liability than giving the sheep comfort and loving kindness and spiritual support.

    We were told to keep our hands out of one case, the elders were told in absolute clear terms to not "talk to certain JWs who were victims of a child hunter" because they were terrified of the exposure to lawsuits, what about going to the "older men in James?". The Watchtower supercedes the Books of the Bible when it comes to spiritual comfort, by showing love and mercy they could have opened up a door to a lawsuit. Do you want your money going to money-grubbing buffons who care not for the sheep, please change your Will or get a "Living Trust" because they are cheap and allow you to change things much easier and remove unloving and evil people out of your Estate!

    Thank You Simon for a great thread!

  • mouthy

    So True Simon!!! I'll try to remember that

  • Diest

    This reminds me of a story an older gay man once told me about the 90s. He said that he had to hospice over 15 of his friends at different points who were all dying of AIDS. They had all been disowned by their family and had no where else to go. He would call the families and let them know that they didnt have much time to say goodbye. NOT one of them came to see their dying child! Oddly enough a few days after their death they would come and happily pick over the belongings of their passed son. They would also try to get ahold of the assets because many of them didnt have a will.

    Dont let people who wont visit you when dying profit from your death, or worse give your money to the WTS.

  • Giordano

    I suggest that you use an attorney but if you are putting it off or can’t afford one get an on-line Will will hold up if you follow the instructions.

    I used an on line Will service that is tailored to my State/Country. It takes about an hour to fill out and costs under $50.

    I can appoint my own Executor and can appoint different ones for the property and investments as well as end of life medical situations. I can list those people I do not want anything to go to. Or assign them one dollar to make it clear I made a decision. It provides for gifts and charities......... basically everything you need.

    After you have filled it out you can make copies of it or they will send you finished copies. You then have it witnessed

    (at your bank etc.). That’s big deal for you ....a big deal for those you want to leave things to.

  • Simon

    Given the importance, I think it's worth getting professional input.

    But if people want the very cheapest option a home-kit is probably better than nothing.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I would suggest seeing a lawyer who specializes in Trusts and Estates, the branch of law of wills. This is complex, esp. with tax codes. It is the largest area of malpractice. Constantly doing it makes a big difference. If it is screwed up, the consequences are dreadfu. Simon is correct. Do it now.

    I tend to delay because I want family situations clarified. This is wrong. Go with what your life is today.

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