Letter from and to my JW Niece

by Nosferatu 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wonka

    That's an awesome letter. I have a feeling you won't be seeing your Niece for a while.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Her grammar is appalling.

  • This_suit_doesnt_fit

    My response would have been along the lines of:

    "I am sorry my joke hurt your feelings. However, you pray for my traumatic & painful death every day. This hurts my feelings also. My joke is very minor when compared to your wishing for my death. When you hope for the violent deaths of 7 billion men, women, & little children on a daily basis, you really shouldn't be so sensitive. Love, Uncle Ben."

    Its a good thing I don't have a FB account.

  • *lost*

    Hey Uncle Ben

    - I 'miss' and 'love' you 'lots' ..... ( do you hear from her regular, she misses you so much, she loves you so much )

    - but - ..... ( she could just set her face book to ignore your feeds and not have them show up on her timeline)

    .... I don't mean to 'bother' you .... ( why would she think she is 'bothering' you, your so close, she loves and misses you so much)

    ... I 'hope' to see you soon. ( hope to - why not make a definite visit date, why hope)




    We need the 'whizz kids' here, to take this statement apart. It's like a formulised statement.

    Uncle Ben did good

  • AndDontCallMeShirley


    Her grammar is appalling.


    I noticed this as well. While "Nosferatu" used proper grammar and punctuation, the active JW is murdering the language!

    It doesn't say much, in a positive way, for the "best educated people on earth" (JWs).

  • iCeltic

    I love this suit doesn't fit's response. Perfect.

    Hopefully the girl will learn soon the truth behind the WTBS.

  • caliber

    Then when I missed a meeting, everyone would tell me that they "missed me" at the last meeting. How could anybody miss me when they didn't bother associating with me?

    The last time I attended a Kingdom Hall was for a funeral in the year 2000 for someone who was "weak in the truth". The others who were "weak in the truth" enjoyed talking to me while those who were "strong in the truth" either completely ignored me or told me that I needed to come back to the meetings.

    A person sees the reasoning or mind set here , it's not about "brotherly love "but obedience to the faithful slave.

    Whenever person ever goes to a meeting the "welcoming ones" always say the same thing "It's good to see you here "

    What I have said in the past is "Well it's good to see you here too, or at Walmart or wherever.... that's how true brotherly love works right ? "

    True love will meet you halfway... it's all the way at the KH or nothing at all....."conditional love'


    they either ignore me to tell me to go back to the meetings. This is not love but rather a learned response to either avoid weak ones or else encourage them back to the meetings !

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