barking Dog. ffs !

by *lost* 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • *lost*

    for the past ooh, 3-4 hrs, neighbours dog has been barking non-stop, literally.


    this is getting to be a regulat thing. Like, every morning.

    needed to moan.

  • Iamallcool

    give him a sleeping pill.

  • *lost*

    was thinking more along the lines of a ... bullet.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Why is it barking? Are they out?

  • *lost*

    I think maybe he is shut in at night, as it is only in the mornings he is barking (early in the morning, brat woke me up, again)

    then when your up, got to sit here listening to him barking for hours.

    This has only been happening recently.

  • Iamallcool

    lost, call animal control and complain, you can remain anonymous.

  • Iamallcool

    I got this from Yahoo Answers

    Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

    My vet suggests children's benedryl. It's safe and won't harm your dog. My dog has been getting benedryl for years and he's perfectly healthy. Don't listen to these quacks who tell you it's poison. It would be very hard to overdose a dog on benedryl....per my vet. Start w/ 1/2 a dose & work your way up to a full dose. My dog has gotten a daily dose for YEARS, he has allergies.

    • 6 years ago
  • label licker
    label licker

    We had the same problem years ago. Hubby walked over to the owners and all they said was are you here for the dog? They let him have it and it was taken care of. The poor thing had no life tied up to a post on a three foot chain. As well, he had overgrown his metal collar and it was cutting into his neck. The dog was old and we had enough. You gotta love those mennonites. Their the same family that would spray OFF fly spray into their horses eyes and the animals would go nuts.

  • LisaRose

    A dog that barks like that is not a happy dog, he is either bored or not getting enough exercise or play, dogs are social animals and need interaction. You could try talking to them, but in my experience that seldom works. Call animal control, they can evaluate the situation and decide if the dog is being cared for. We had a case locally where someone dropped a dog off at the shelter, the poor thing was too far gone and in such misery they had to euthanize him. He was starved, and had eaten dirt and sticks, and the collar had grown into his flesh. What kind of person would do that?

  • *lost*

    lcool - handy tip, he's not my dog though, lol.

    He's a 'working' dog. I have had problems with neighbour in the past years with his 'dogs' (the guy is a twat, full stop)

    I think he had them shut in a trailer at one point, often heard squealing where the littler one sounded like he was getting beaten on a regular basis by the bigger dog.

    This guy would let his dogs out roaming free from morning until he would come home in the evenings.

    Cost me 2,500k one time on a 'lost' litter of pups.

    I will be calling animal control if it continues though.

    I too detest animal cruelty, shocking the state some animals get into 'cos of their idiotic owners.

    With the economic downturn, a lot of animals are just being abandoned, from cats to horses, it's sad.

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