Why send Satan down to earth in 1914 - didn't we have enough problems?

by Xanthippe 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Xanthippe

    I was just reading an old Watchtower quote on another thread, he was quoting it straight from JW.org by the way, and I was astonished to be reminded of this teaching. Why would a loving God crown his son King and then send Satan and hordes of demons to our planet?

    We live in a huge universe, why send these monsters here? According to WTS these creatures are then responsible for starting a world war and millions die. Almighty God lets his son clear out the heavens of unwanted nasties and then he sends them here! What a ridiculous teaching, isn't the universe big enough to dispose of or imprison these demons? Of course this is how they explain that when God's Kingdom was set up in heaven in 1914 the world got worse not better. Convoluted reasoning produces teachings like this!

  • Xanthippe

    When I look at teachings like this from the perspective of being out for 24 years I just can't understand why I didn't question it at the time.

    The whole overlapping generations belief still hinges on

    1 God's Kingdom being set up in 1914 according to isolated scriptures all over the Bible

    2 Jesus was made king of this kingdom

    3 The first thing Jesus did was get rid out Satan from his home and send him to ours

    4 The world fell into world war at Satan's instigation and then another one later and countless atrocities since

    5 The lives of people that were alive in 1914 of the annointed will overlap with the lives of annointed that see the Armageddon

    6 So far God's Kingdom has brought nothing but hell to this planet according to JW teachings, everything else is just promises

  • alanv

    I seem to remember the society saying something like, Satan started world war 1 so nobody on earth would realize the Kingdom had been born in heaven at that time lol

  • Vanderhoven7


  • St George of England
    St George of England

    There are a few problems with this teaching:-

    Jesus is supposed to have come to power and ousted Satan in October 1914. WWI was already under way by then so don't try and pin the war on Satan.

    The calculation for1914 is based on the false premise that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BCE which we all know is completely wrong.

    Conditions have got far worse since 1914 according to JW's, but how many of them would prefer to have been born in the centuries prior to 1914? For the majority of people, life expectancy and standards of living have improved drastically in the last 100 years.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Correct ....we were taught W.W 1 was a "smoke screen" to distract people ...Satan did not start it AFTER being kicked out.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Since when has UNRESOLVABLE problems, been unresolvable problems in thw world of the watchtower?

  • prologos

    Yeah, you might call WW1 Satans (if any) PREEMPTIED STRIKE. Of course,

    Satan and his demons, - as the story goes.- were a long time on this earth,

    The talking snake in the Garden Eden 1 Earth

    the hit job on Job's kids Earth

    fight over Moses mummy Earth

    formation base jumping pigs Earth

    There never was a dearth

    of Satan's demons on earth.

    6000 years of ENFORCED "Bad ascosiation that spoil useful habits"

    so the story goes.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    99 years is a pretty long "short period of time" per Rev 12 for Satan and the demons to be down here causing woe.

    Instead, it's rather obvious that the "short period of time" is synomous with the great tribulation, meaning Satan and the demons havn't yet been ousted from heaven.

    Just speaking from a JW, Bible believing perspective.

  • prologos

    YY2 interesting concept,

    Satan on his way down to the abyss prison

    making a short STOPOVER, aka

    Great Tribulation on earth,

    rushing and causing havoc here while he is at it.

    Dont give Wt Writing ideas, please.

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