Haven't been online..and update

by Flicka 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • whathappened

    I too think you should talk this out face to face. Letters and emails can be misinterpreted. It will be much more difficult for you and your mom to talk face to face, but that is in your favor. She will have to look you in the eye and tell her child that her adherence to the Watchtower supersedes her relationship with you. Why not make her see how cruel and painful her choice is? No pain no gain.

  • Flicka

    I live a 1000miles away from them Currently I do not know if I can handle a face to fce conversation with them.A phone call to them was bad enough. My father clearly said I cannot forbid him to speak to me about religion every time he speaks to me. this was after I mentioned I would like to phone regularly to see how they are doing as long as we don't speak about religion every tim. He sees it as his duty (he is an elder).

    It is probably the right thing to do from my side to get on a plane and go see them. In my mind I don't see how it will accomplish anything. My father is stubborn and mother really believes I'm going to get destroyed because of my decisio. The whole visit will be based on getting me to come back to the "truth".

    Another reason why I'm more keen to email them. I get very emotional when faced with confrontation. I normally end up crying and fd it difficult to express myself.


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