When You Were A JW---What "Motivated" You To "Do More"?

by minimus 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Most Witnesses that I knew of were spurred on by hearing a talk designed to make them feel guilty over their not doing enough. CO's visits, assemblies and conventions motivated a few to Pioneer, "reach out", etc......Soon after the talks, usually, in less than a month, everyone went right back to slacking again.

    Did you feel "motivated" due to guilt when you were an active Witness?

  • Tater-T

    I was motivaed out of love to do more .. until they started with the " you have to Hate what jehovah Hates""

    then I started to want to do less.... and I didn't want to be in the org .. I just want to serve jehovah on my own...

    I didn't like being told what I had to HATE!

    My name is Tate I will not Hate what you State

    L8R T8R

  • mouthy

    I wanted to get everyone in the Paradise earth.....as I am

  • Rattigan350

    So the cute sisters would like me.

    Thus when I got married, what's the point of doing more?

  • Ucantnome

    I dont think i was motivated to do more.

    I done my 100%. Sometimes that was seen as less than average.

    I felt guilty that I didn't want to do what some seemed to think I needed to do, but it didn't make me do more it just gave me health problems.

  • LisaRose

    At first the conventions would give me a little boost. But as the years went on, I became immune to the propaganda, I had heard it all before a million times. And it seemed that no mater what you did in the way of theocratic activity, it was never enough. I gave up, basically. I figured I didn't have what it took to make it through the big A, so why kill myself trying?

  • WTWizard

    They made promises. And when they welshed on their promises, I simply welshed on my promise to do more. "Sisters" still not liking me no matter what I did in field circus or starting when I donated toward a new building--and they wonder why I cut back on field circus and stopped donating for negative value. It's all a scam--they simply escalate the "blessing" to the next level without making good on what you should be getting for advancing to the current level.

    Yet joke-hova wishes me to be content with the present things materially.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I just wanted to keep my head above water and kept going because I thought it would make me happy and get a blessing. I would force myself to go witnessing and all that because I thought if I want to be able to pay my bills and keep a job, I had to "keep seeking the kingdom first". If I felt tempted to slack off, my stubborn personality reminded me that 'this is what I promised to do when I got baptised'. I found it really hard to actually care if people didn't respond to the message. I was like, "They're entitled to believe what they wanna believe."

    Actually, varying views of things the householders had sort of made me less convinced we had 'the truth'.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    The guilt is a whole other thread for me. Pushed me to the edge of lunacy.

  • Xanthippe

    I really thought millions of people were going to die if I didn't pioneer, honest

    Thing is it made sense to me that if God made the earth, which is so beautiful, he would want to step in and sort it out, but I just didn't realise they were lying to us about the evidence for evolution. Education isthe key to informed choices.

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