Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Curse of Music.

by donny 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • talesin

    Now, I don't know if it is different here in the UK-but I have been told by the elders, metal and the like IS advised against, but it is how it personally affects YOU that it the issue. If it makes you happy, and is not blatantly evil, like black metal, there is no issue-however, if it plays on your mind a lot and makes you depressed, then it is bad.

    I also vape-I do not use nicotine anymore, and the Elders and other witnesses think they are great, and see no issue with that either-

    This is a part of their 'love-bombing'. Once you are baptized, and pledge to obey the Governing Body, they will have a tighter leash on you. Sure, you can listen to 'unapproved music', you can vape - these are what they call 'conscience matters'. BUT, if they disapprove (and something tells me they may), you will be considered bad association and well, let the shunning begin!

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD
    James Brown, I went to a lot of the Rowdies games in Tampa back in the day. The song went kind of like this. (The rowdies are here and rowdies are there they kick the ball around. The rowdies are here and rowdies are there then they fall to the ground, All the rowdies, All the rowdies they are a kick in the ground) I think that is how the song went. LOL What great memories those are. Still Totally ADD
  • ToesUp

    We listened to whatever we wanted to but NEVER shared that info with any JW. Everything you do in JW land is wrong. Unless you are reading their propaganda mags, sitting by a cart or reaching out for "priviledges."

    "because it contained too many traps."

    Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING in the JW is up for judgement.

    You decide to go to college... bad.

    You decide to buy a new home (bad and materialistic)

    You decide to buy a new car (bad and materialistic). Heaven forbid if you do not buy a "service car."

    You decide to have children (bad...too close to the end of this wicked system.)

    You decide to pursue a career to feed your family ( should be pioneering)

    You want to grow a beard (bad)

    You enjoy a certain type of sex with your marriage mate (oral/anal) bad, bad, bad

    You're an attractive sister who likes to dress nicely ( must be a slut)

    You are a sister and enjoy talking to some of the nice Brothers ( may give the Brother the wrong impression or you are trying to steal him away from his wife)

    You have to take your wiggly toddler out of the auditorium during an assembly (you need to be quiet and remain in your seat).

    You are late for the meeting/assembly because you got stuck in traffic or your kid blew chunks in the care and you had to return home. Bad!

    You are sickly or elderly and can not get to the meetings, so you have to dial in. are forsaking the gathering with your dear Brothers and Sisters. Some Brothers tell these ones to ....GET OVER IT AND GET TO THE MEETINGS (I have actually heard that one).

    You are a brother who does not desire to reach out for MS or Elder. You are weak and not a "spiritual " man. Bad! According to Brother Morris you are not good marriage material.

    The list could go on and on. This is one of the main reasons we are OUT. LACK OF LOVE! They just don't get it but we did and are gone. Many are heading for the exit door for just the same reason.

    In JW land, you are NEVER good enough! Why would you stay where you are not wanted??

  • donny
    It's interesting to see that nothing has really changed except the ones who attend the meetings.
  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    What interesting experiences. My mother didn't really involve herself in her children's lives so I listened to all sorts of music that probably would have raised eyebrows.

    The thing that I remember is, some JW's innocently would take kingdom melodies and rearrange them into some nice(r) guitar music. Play it at picnics or get togethers. Then the hammer came down. It was disrespectful to do that to the kingdom melodies. People had to stop immediately. I thought at the time, what a shame, all they were doing was making nice music.

    Now look at them. Playing all sorts of worldly music in the kingdom halls and dancing in their meeting clothes.

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