Check out this conversation, between my sister(non-JW) and my brother (JW elder)

by jam 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    This is an example of the situation that WT hasn't prepared the sheeples for. JWs are instructed to shun members of their immediate family if instructed by a non-family JW JC. The FDS would like to imagine that the shunned will be isolated, miserable, and lonely, while the remaining JW family will be protected from any "worldly" or "apostate" influence. But when it is a case of the family being a mix of JW and non-JW, these situations become extremely difficult for the JWs and not for the ex-JW. The JWs look like the cult-controlled drones that they are. And there have been plenty of elderly JWs that have to be cared for by their DFd children and relatives.

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