DakotaRed's Puny god.

by Yadirf 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yadirf

    DakotaRed once said to Yadirf, on April 3rd:

    Incidentally, He's my God too!

    On April 9th this is what he said in response to another person’s question:

    No, I believe when we die, we die. Whether or not there is a resurrection remains to be seen. So far, I have never met anyone who has came back.

    Note that in DakotaRed’s mind god can surely create life to begin with, but maybe can’t recreate it. Puny god DR has, huh?


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    That should be "puny God"
    Not "Puny god"

  • Francois

    No one really knows any of this for sure, and certainly not as an element in their personal experience. That's why they call it faith. Seems kinda elementary to me.


  • Naeblis

    That's a fairly large assumption. There is a big difference between not being able to recreate life and choosing not to in the way you have interpreted. Why the hurry Yadirf? From the look of you in those pictures you posted awhile back, you won't have to wait long to find out one way or the other. Now go sit by the fire with a good book and think of the days when you mattered.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    There ya go troll man.
    Three potential arguements. Pick whichever one ya want.
    I dont understand why, as you are obviously fascinated to know Reds religious opinions you dont just ask politely, "Mr Red, what are your religious inclinations?"
    Im certain hed tell you.

  • Yadirf


    That should be "puny God"
    Not "Puny god"
    Nope! DakotaRed's little god is Puny, big time.



    The way I looked in those pics? Aw well, I've combed my hair since then.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Yardif, how about enlightening me as to where your coming from and going? I ask these questions because you seem to be shadow boxing on this forum.

    Guest 77

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well hes not shadowboxing if hes got 6 responses out of 24 reads, now is he?
    Hes getting exactly what he wants.
    More power to him as far as Im concerned.

  • rhett

    You know, of all the people accusing someone else of having a Puny god I think its hilarious that Yadirf, would be doing this. I would say its like the pot calling the kettle black but somehow that just doesn't quite do it justice.

  • dubla

    *YAWN*.....have you ever thought of carrying on an interesting discussion friday, or are we doomed to your little individual attacks for all eternity?


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