Is Jehovah Male Or Female, Manly of Womanly

by frankiespeakin 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • caliber

    The Fire in the Equations, produced and distributed by the W.B. Eerdmans company (a religious publisher).

    The author of a book on the topic of science and religion needs a pronoun for God. Regardless of whether I choose to call God “he” or “she,” I find myself making a statement which I don’t wish to make. Using them interchangeably seems contrived and gets confusing. “She/he” or “he/she” is cumbersome...and one still has the problem of which gender comes first in the pairing. “It” will not do. Lacking a better solution, I have chosen to use “he,” which makes the weaker statement and is more easily interpreted as inclusive (1994, ellipses in orig.).
    God has both feminine and masculine qualities but to call him "it" would be insulting to him.. why not accept
    God as having a unique position not definable perfectly in human terms ?
    Show us a better term
  • caliber

    In Greek mythology, there were 12 gods that were at the very top of the pantheon that lived on Mt. Olympus . Each of them had a Roman counterpart. There were:

    Aphrodite/Venus -- goddess of love, romance & beauty
    Apollo/Apollo -- god of the sun, light, medicine & music
    Ares/Mars -- god of war & slaughter
    Artemis/Diana -- goddess of the moon, the hunt, forest, wildlife & childbirth
    Athene/Minerva -- goddess of wisdom, defensive warfare & crafts
    Demeter/Ceres -- goddess of agriculture
    Hephaestus/Vulcan -- god of fire and the forge
    Hera/Juno -- Queen of the gods, goddess of marriage
    Hermes/Mercury -- messenger of the gods, god of speed, thieves and commerce
    Hestia/Vesta -- goddess of the home
    Poseidon/Neptune -- god of the sea
    Zeus/Jupiter -- King of the gods, god of the sky, thunder & lightning

    6 of the twelve gods were female this then biased toward favouring men because Zeus is King of the God's ?

    notice the qualities of love , wisdom , reproduction were given to goddess's

    males were assigned for the most part , more assertive & rugged roles such as warfare

    Are you women in any way insulted by this ?

  • prologos

    Jehovah, as created by the desert tribes, is shown to be masculin.

    The creator of nature made it in both modes, in the natural image.

    The Europeans are divided on the answer.

    For the French the

    sun-god is masculin: LE soleil, the

    moon, feminine: LA lune.

    the germans and relatives, contrarians, have the

    Sun-god feminin: DIE Sonne, the

    Moon-god Masculin, DER Mond.

    Vivre la difference of the gods.

    atheists have no such problem(s)

    for me: since we can only observe nature, and she likes both genders, the maker (if any) must be that way too.

  • *lost*

    Do not humans have both masuline and feminine 'sides'.

    Is it not the qualities that God was emphasising.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Asking "why" questions in theology is always a bit of a guessing game.

    Why is the senior God called "Father"? And why is the mediator called "Son"? In what sense are we the "children" of God? And where is a father and a son without a mother? A craggy old Mormon apostle in 1878 stated:

    “What,” says one, “do you mean we should understand that Deity consists of man and woman?” Most certainly I do. If I believe anything that God has ever said about himself ... I must believe that deity consists of man and woman ... there can be no God except he is composed of the man and woman united, and there is not in all the eternities that exist, or ever will be a God in any other way.”

    In Genesis, the account has God saying, "Man has become as one of us." Genesis also states that "God" made man in his image, after his likeness. In these verses, the word for God is not Jehovah, nor is it God. The word is Elohim, the plural form of God. So if the Gods created man in their image, after their likeness, male and female, wouldn't that imply that if men are in the image of God, and women were in the image of God, that God is comprised of both male and female?

    Methodist scholar Dr. Margaret Barker has just written a fascinating new book entitled The Mother of the Lord, Vol. 1: The Lady in the Temple. In it, she traces the ancient Israelite tradition that God has a consort. The review states: "Margaret Barker traces the roots of the devotion to Mary as Mother of the Lord back to the Old Testament and the first temple in Jerusalem. The evidence is consistent over more than a millennium: there had been a female deity in Israel, the Mother figure in the Royal cult, who had been abandoned about 600 BCE. She was almost written out of the Hebrew text, almost excluded from the canon. This first of two volumes traces the history of the Lady in the Temple, and looks forward to the second volume in which Barker will show how the Lady of the Temple is reclaimed in the advent of Christianity, and becomes the Lady in the Church. The result is breathtaking, and like all Barker's work, is impossible to put down."

    In her introduction, she writes: "A vast spectrum of material points to this pattern of events, and in this first volume I shall present evidence for the lost Lady of the first temple and for her first exile. She was removed from texts by the work of ancient scribes and the assumptions of biblical scholars. In the second volume I shall show how she survived during the time of the second temple, and how her temple was finally restored by the Christians."

    Barker also has documented the ancient Israelite concept that Yahweh (Jehovah) is not the Father God, but was the firstborn of the Father God and was the God of Israel. In other words, Jehovah is not Michael the Archangel, but is the premortal Jesus Christ.

  • *lost*

    jehovah the Archangel Michael ?

    I've hever heard that one, confused.

    Also isn't mary/mother worship pagan ?

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    The Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jehovah is the Father God, not the Son. According to Hebrew trandition, Yahweh was a Son of the Father God. In short, Jehovah and Jesus were one and the same. The Jehovah's Witnesses, on the other hand, believe Jesus was Michael the Archangel. Jesus, however, thought it not improper to make himself "equal to God." He also told the Jews, "Before Abraham was, I AM," meaning that he was the great "I AM" of scripture, that is, Yahweh.

  • Stauros

    Why is Jehovah in the bible a male? why not female since he is a God that is not earthly but from another realm where they don't have sex differences, does he have a penis? Why would he need one? Does he have to pee and relieve himself? Why pick the male gender if he doesn't need or have reproductive organs?

    What sort of question is this? How low does a person have to stoop in order to get attention? Spirits are created not reproduced dont you know this? GOD is not human, and it is stupid of you to even suggest that GOD is like us........ridiculous

    Numbers chapter 23

    19God is not a man that he should tell lies,
    Neither a son of mankind that he should feel regret.
    Has he himself said it and will he not do it,
    And has he spoken and will he not carry it out?

  • prologos

    In WT interpretations of the 4 faces, Bull, Eagle, Lion, MAN, of the heavenly creatures reflecting Gods qualities,

    LOVE was supposed to be by the MALE human face.

    I always thought that was wanting. supposed to be written by male writers?

    When I think of Love, I remember the face of my MOTHER, my LOVER,

    MY WIFE.

    I am supposed to be made in Gods Image , I have (hormone -size- challenged breasts) There is a latent feminine part in me. despite my limited mind.

    So as said by others, The creator (if ANY) must have both these good gender qualities in balance to project them out into creation, nature.

    for what its worth 2 cents.

  • Stauros

    Women are in subjection to men, whereas men cannot lord it over them, but are held accountable by GOD to raise his family properly. Man will come under scrutiny before women does in judgment.......

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