Cleaning the KH in the year 2015

by greenhornet 5 Replies latest social humour

  • greenhornet

    I have not been to a "meeting" in over 20 years and have not "cleaned" one since the 1980s. So back then they had wireless mikes and they have a FM radio as a receiver. So we would put on a FM rock station loud as we vacuumed the floor.

    So I understand now there is a big screen monitor with access to the internet. So now I can vacuum the floor with a You Tube rock video. This make me want to come back and clean.

  • stuckinarut2

    No need for worldly music, when our dear Governing Body have provided us with such beautiful music videos each month on the "broadcasting" site....

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    You could play the "Happy at Bethel" provocative dancing video!

    You know, the one where female Bethelites took great delight in shaking their body parts because the G.B. sanctioned it!

    Franz, Barr, Schroeder, et al must be turning in their graves - or spinning on their mythical thrones!

  • GoneAwol

    Play this at the hall while hoovering. Might send a message too! (that you want to break free! Not that you have tranny tendencies of course)

  • greenhornet
    Goneawoi , you say the word hoovering ( your from the UK) Cant see that you tube video cause im in the USA
  • Finkelstein

    Hey putting up JWN or JWFacts. on the big screen would catch a few eyes wouldn't.

    Or you could put on all the many YouTube videos exposing the corruption of the WTS/JWS while you clean the floors.

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