Re: Is Good Association To Be Found Here, Broth...

by ChuckD 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • ChuckD

    Depends on what you mean by "good"?

    What you are likely to find is a wide spectrum of different personalities, with the common thread of having some interest in the WBTS.

    What you will not find is the kind of structured, controlled environment of the Kingdom Hall, where many of the subjects that could be discussed here would never be raised.

  • logical

    Depends what you call "good".

    If you want to discuss matters of truth, the "report" of good news, then, yes, MDS, Jr, bjc and myself can help.

    There lot of ex-jws and inactive jw's on here, but, they arent all that bad. Most of them that is. There are certain people who need avoiding really, something I have failed to do. It is up to you to discern these for yourself. I hope you stick around, this place is pretty easy going.


  • RedhorseWoman

    I personally think that there is excellent association to be found here....but, I'm prejudiced. Welcome to the board.

  • Naeblis

    Jesus said, anywhere where one or two Naeblis's can be found amongst you....I am there... here I am.

  • Seven

    Danielle, Welcome to the board. As Red commented, there is good association to be found here.

  • Frenchy

    Welcome, Danielle.
    I think your question has been answered. In the end it is YOU who will decide if this is good or bad.
    I haven't gotten my Feb KM yet, what in particular did you have in mind?

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • joel

    Welcome Danielle,

    Good association can be found here!

    We're not all up on the latest KM's..but if you bring up a'll get the full spectrum of thought! So go for it...we're harmless! If your convictions are sound!


  • Naeblis

    Hemming and hawing when someone expresses interest IS leading them's the way the male mind workds. Be firm. Be direct. And if that fails...a swift kick to the nether regions usually works wonders. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do what you need to do.

  • nelly136

    hi Danielle, nice to meet you, I wouldnt worry about bad youthful assosciations here (whispers...most of them are knocking on a bit ;-)
    how old are you? if thats not too personal a question,
    marriage is a serious thing...damned expensive to get out of amongst other things, dont let anyone pressure you into something youre not ready for hon.

  • logical


    Edited by - logical on 5 February 2001 21:36:26

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